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UGG OnlineTruck drivers to escape the dogs bashed bridge ( Figure )

Chengdu Business Daily: What is now most worried about?

3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, Chengdu Chinese Commercial News reporters Zai Cigan and Dao Shigu found at the scene, the collapse of the bridge and pedestrian bridge columns, etc., have been cleaned,[url=http://www.ireland-ugg.com/]UGG Online[/url], Zigong, Yibin to the direction of the fences had been bashed in the middle The original bridge has been installed on the block at the traffic orderly.

Chengdu Business Daily: The whole process lasted how long?

day before 4:35 or so, within a team should be high-speed traffic police on duty Zhang received a

Candice: damages, if more, I certainly can not pay, it is money and only go to jail.

high Ludu four hours

police investigators Zhang introduced in highway driving, because drivers lack of experience, often in the face of failure, the choice slammed on the brakes or swerved the steering wheel, which is taboo in the high speed also led to an important cause of highway accidents.

police handling the case, should be within a large group of high-speed traffic police office Li Gang introduced, such accidents occurred, the need-spot inquiries and accident losses and other comprehensive evaluation to determine the cause of the accident and after the relevant conclusion, we can not determine whether because of obstructions resulting in an accident avoidance.

highway toll company coordination, two-way to vehicles on the triage, to prevent secondary accidents. During this period, Zigong and Yibin road traffic control, suspension of high-speed vehicles. Yibin direction) to smash the bridge on the upstream segment (to Zigong, Yibin direction) operations very difficult, one hanging from the crane simply can not afford this monster.

According to many dog ​​pictures. If what time the dog ran out after being hit, Wang is very sad.

Xucheng Yong said his wife, Candice, Candice never kill, kill the duck family holidays, chickens are Xucheng Yong things. Wang Hong said the accident the car is to buy their own home, has been run by themselves alone, the total value of the car when bought about 500,000 of insurance, piles of costs to compensate, really do not know how to do. Wang Hong said,

license plate number of the accident Yu BC67 × × blue truck, it severing the highway pedestrian bridge site Exalted pillar, bridge was ripped down the middle, half bridge Time of the accident, because the front depression,[url=http://www.ireland-ugg.com/]UGG Online[/url], seat forward, the deformation of the front left foot tightly stuck to Candice, the upper and lower lips were cut, , Tang Chu hit the blood soaked my clothes,[url=http://www.ireland-ugg.com/]UGG Online[/url], I thought my feet were off the pressure. struggled through the phone's light vehicle climbed out to isolate with waiting for rescue. He then phone home far away in Chongqing Fuling wife, accompanied by the truck driver behind to help him beat 120,122 other alarm call.

dialogue driver

I never kill, people drive more taboo these, renowned for animals, are active avoidance. I was just instinctively a let. , a yellow dog, I see clearly. Red said that he ran past at high speed cats and dogs and other animals, are by horn avoidance, not good. However,[url=http://www.ireland-ugg.com/]UGG Online[/url], severing lift bridge, the car completely scrapped and a series of problems, Wang suddenly a look of anxiety.

highway, a large truck rammed the pedestrian bridge, bridge collapse, the driver lucky to escape unharmed. The day before yesterday around 4:30, the incident took place in Chongqing to Kunming high-speed Yibin Zigong direction 226 km +836 m. This section of the accident caused traffic jam 4 hours, the driver said that he is to escape from isolation with a sudden out of the dog. Within a team of investigators should be high-speed traffic police traffic police, the accident is still under investigation. Highway truck severing pedestrian bridge

8:40 or so, two of 50 tons, 25 tons of cranes stationed on-site,[url=http://www.ireland-ugg.com/]UGG Online[/url], through the the outer fence, cleared the biggest

wounding the driver climbed out cars hedge

Chengdu Chinese Commercial News reporter Zhou Maomei

Scene of the accident Yangkun She

Chengdu Business Daily: Dogs jump out from which side?

Wang Hong: not remember, anyway, very close, all of a sudden you jump out, should be isolated with a jump from the middle out.

rescue dog getting himself into his regret

Wang Hong: 2,3 seconds.

According to the Ministry published the motor vehicle driver training materials (2005 edition), provides that, in highway driving, suddenly discovered that someone or Animal Crossing, the decisive measures taken to avoid loss of the smallest. Emergency avoidance measures should not exceed the extent necessary, resulting in unnecessary losses.

38-year-old Wang Hong, although sports car driver 10 years, but the official has only three years of driving experience. Get a driver's license soon after, he bought a large truck to raise money, often to and from Yibin and Chongqing.

mouth as injured in the accident, Wang has been in the accident, not a lot of talk, only a brief response. Yesterday afternoon, he, accompanied by his wife Xu Chengyong Fourth People's Hospital in Zigong City once again received a photo inspection, the diagnosis, Wang broke his left leg and the wound was marked with the glass, the glass was broken lips scratch. After a day of treatment, there can be a small amount of speech, Wang Hong, but still could not move the thigh.

Zigong News Hotline: 18990013053

drivers about

Chengdu Business Daily: regrets?

welcome to comment to comment

After an emergency operation, the day before 8:10 or so, returned to a carriageway. But the road above the bridge did not collapse completely, one end of the pressure head in the car truck accident, the other end of the road slope at Xiecha.

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Wang Hong: regret. But I really have not hit these animals, I want to drive people who are not willing to hit them, this is a life.

Chengdu Business Daily: As an experienced driver, should know the direction of the highway can not be too hard.

9:10, high-speed intersection toll Zigong, Yibin began to release to the direction of the vehicle Zigong. Then, the accident vehicle was hauled to the station parking Zigong, for inspection; construction team gradually moved on to the roadside remnants of the bridge removal. 9:30 or so, Zigong toll, Itabashi station entrance fees to lift traffic control, to restore normal traffic.

dog out of the buffer zone of life give way to cause the accident

Wang Hong: when is the instinctive reaction, like avoidance, do not want to hit it. Besides, I did not think it is too hard direction, just a little repair plate (steering wheel).

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UGG Boots ClearanceWill Biometrics Go Mainstream In 2012 - Security - Mobile Security - Information

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As a kid, I marveled at movies featuring retina or hand scanners, or instant DNA analysis to authenticate the bad guy to his vault. As an adult,[url=http://www.uggclearanceuks.com/]UGG Boots Clearance[/url], I figured these devices would mean the end of passwords and spoofing and would bring the collision of sci-fi future and real-world security. Sadly, I still don't have a retina scanner at my desk. What I do have are so many passwords that I need a password manager to keep them straight.

I don't blame companies for hesitating to invest--biometrics systems still have problems, despite IBM’s prediction of advances. A prime example is how some fingerprint readers fell victim to the highly advanced gummy bear attack, in which a user acquires a gummy bear, applies it to the reader, and presses down. The sensor reads the fingerprint from the last user, which has now transferred to the gummy bear. The reader is defeated, the gummy-wielding attacker is authenticated as the previous user, and the system has become worthless. Organizations have been forced to replace hardware and software in light of this attack and revert to legacy methods, such as passwords, that are not vulnerable to rubbery candy.

More secure, it's hoped, are the digital images the government is embedding in the newest version of the U.S. passport for use with facial-recognition software, to reduce the likelihood of someone successfully using a fake passport to enter the country illegally. Since 2004,[url=http://www.uggclearanceuks.com/]UGG Boots Clearance[/url], the US-VISIT--for United States Visitor and Immigrant Status Indicator Technology--program has been collecting digital fingerprint and facial images of international visitors to be used for identification; this data is shared with a number of government agencies. The enrollment and validation of these attributes is fast and accurate enough for use in everyday, large-scale deployments, and the Department of Homeland Security just announced it will pay Accenture Federal Services $71 million over 13 months to further improve the system.

Though they should, most users never question the privacy, storage, handling, and sharing of their biometric data. What happens if people are enrolled in a system and their biometric data is compromised, sold, shared,[url=http://www.uggclearanceuks.com/]UGG Boots Clearance[/url], or mined in some way? This topic came to the fore in 2009 when a company offering faster airport security checks closed its doors and didn't immediately state where the biometric data it had collected would end up. In return for allowing Clear (which has since been reopened) to keep biometric data on file,[url=http://www.uggclearanceuks.com/]UGG Boots Clearance[/url], frequent fliers could move through airport security faster. It was great for those who fly often and don't want to waste time. It would also be great for those who want to steal this data to impersonate a frequent flier, for either malicious airport activity or use elsewhere. If a credit card is stolen, it's easy enough to close the account and get a new card. Not so much for a new fingerprint.

While some people will always like to think they're targets of a vast international conspiracy looking to frame them for a failed government takeover, in reality, I don't see biometric data being targeted in such a way. On the other hand, this data could be sold to and mined by companies with the ability to analyze our physical traits, compare that to other data sets, store in-depth information about us, and perhaps disclose it all in some way that would harm us.

The fact that these concerns are mainstream shows that biometrics has evolved to a point where enrollment,[url=http://www.uggclearanceuks.com/]UGG Boots Clearance[/url], usage, cost, and user fears are no longer hindering adoption. I can see a future in which governments push for inclusion of digital photos to be used with facial recognition, require fingerprints for traveling, and eventually embed DNA attributes in identification documents to address everything from fraud to immigration control.

As a user, it seems great not to worry about someone impersonating me and not having to carry an access token or know a password. At the same time, though, it's scary to think my fingerprint, DNA attributes, and digital image will be shared across governments, vendors, and employers. Those futuristic movies never addressed the security and privacy aspects of our personal biometric data and what happens if it's compromised, altered, or goes missing. That's up to us.

Adam Ely is security director at TiVo and a Dark Reading and InformationWeek contributor.

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This article is from family doctors Series skirt, stockings, high heels and a pair of exquisite. work after six months, she found her toes, especially the inside of the big toe, often there will be redness, swelling, pain and other phenomena, but as long as off the high heels, or replaced with flat heels, pain can be alleviated, so her work time to the more serious, and sometimes even pain to the sleepless nights, and deformed toes, and finally, actually went to the big toe of his right foot near the toes to the top! so she had to seek medical advice.
such as Miss Joe situation is not uncommon in adult women aged over 40 is more common in women. The reason, in addition to some people (about 30%) had familial tendency, most are acquired form, but also with young people, middle age the habit of wearing high-heeled pointed shoes have a close relationship with the findings that 18 centuries ago, French shoes with flat soles plus dorsal cingulate mainly hallux valgus was little cases reported. Since the advent of high-heeled shoes, Hallux valgus in France has become a lot see; the Japanese in the past used to wear clogs, no documented cases of hallux valgus, life after the 1960s, westernized, hallux valgus also increased the incidence of a positive correlation in our country, good people in town wearing high heels incidence, is not wearing pointed high-heeled shoes of farmers in a hundred times.
beautiful under the painful walk
date of birth from high heels, all the beauty it has become the darling of women's fashion, even today, the trend seems to wear high heels and no cooling trend from the perspective of physical beauty, women in high heels can really highlight the beauty of the figure, add a feminine grace graceful, but, on the physiology and medical point of view, high-heeled shoes are also a female friend who brought a lot of > Under normal circumstances, when we stand barefoot when the body weight borne by the foot. wearing flat shoes when walking, the natural structure of the human body mechanics is not likely to be broken, however, when we wear high heels, especially the shoes with the height of more than 4 cm, the human body will change due to the force point forward, the body weight will naturally fall to the soles of the feet. aponeurosis feet before the follow-up consistently connected,[url=http://www.uggoutletmallonline.com/]Cheap UGG Sale[/url], once the palm out of balance, normal gravity transfer the load line is damaged, it is very likely to cause foot sprains, falls, or fractures, the palm side of the point of the long-term uneven, often also involving the metatarsophalangeal joints and metatarsal, and femur bone to the knee pressure, over time easy lead to osteoarthritis in real life, many women wear high heels friends Zengyin feet, knees, waist, back pain to the hospital, the final diagnosis is often enough to thumb bursitis, osteoarthritis and low back ligaments strain, in fact, the causes of these illnesses, are due to a large extent caused by long-term wear high heels.
In addition, because high heels do not usually tie their shoes, but the upper opening and relatively large, so in order to prevent walking shoes and loose, a lot of women are accustomed to cause foot fatigue, pain, long-term this may lead to neuropathic pain and joint pain. even if some women choose the right size of their foot-shaped heels, heel slope also make them unconsciously with their feet to the front and rear ends stuck shoes, coupled with today's high heels often are designed to narrow the front, side tip of the style, so make it easier for toe pressure, ranging from a few long,[url=http://www.uggoutletmallonline.com/]Cheap UGG Sale[/url], or small toe valgus deformation phenomena.
unfortunately enough: a beautiful and healthy in pairs
If some work or other occasions to wear high heels, heel preferably not more than 4 cm should not be too sharp, too small, the width of the toe should be completely comfortable and appropriate to lay down five toes, and go home immediately replaced, as walking barefoot, which is to eliminate leg and foot fatigue, the easiest way to good . usually you can often use hot water enough to ease the spasm of soft tissue, promote blood circulation foot. usually in the office to prepare a pair of comfortable flat shoes, and wear high heels alternately, the same can reduce foot fatigue.
addition Even sports shoes, also need to select a pair of the most suited to their feet:
1. soles: soles have the proper thickness outermost be extremely resistant, soles of the central layer to have a certain degree of flexibility and toughness in order to effectively play a buffer role because people in the running, the foot is equivalent to three to four times its own weight to withstand the pressure, and in jumping to withstand the weight of the larger soles should be soft lining, and flexible, able to so easily do all kinds of sports foot soles perfect, will inevitably limit the flexibility of the foot in motion, and fatigue easily lead to the contrary, if the sole is too soft, too thin, it will also lose the protection of the foot.
2 . heel: wide, smooth the edge of the shoe heel with better stability, and narrow and high heel, the heel will reduce the stability, easy movement of people in the sprained ankle.
3. upper: upper should be soft, fit the foot, and toe, instep produce uniform pressure in the toe bending activities, there is no tight Le dorsal sense. SHOES head movement should be thick fabric, reinforced in the movement to protect the toe well. to turn the foot more, more confrontational movement, such as football, basketball, etc., the upper front foot should be slightly tightened, in order to play a stabilizing role in preventing sports activities due to excessive toe blisters, Xuepao, or lead to toe injuries in jogging, exercise and other less confrontational campaign, uppers can be more relaxed.
4. ventilation: good shoes must have a good permeability. synthetic leather material shoes, upper ventilation is poor, wear a long time can cause foot discomfort, but also vulnerable to athlete's foot, so should be selected for the leather uppers material or canvas shoes.
5. Upper: The upper shoes should be the right height, both have a strong robustness, but also a certain degree of flexibility, this would effectively reduce the step sprain sports injuries. too soft will increase the upper left and right foot to the activity, easily leading to foot sprain. need to fit the upper heel heel so the heel with the heel in the movement to become one, otherwise, the heel sliding within the shoe, easily lead to blisters, Xuepao, even sprained ankle in the more confrontational sports such as basketball, the upper height should be higher than the ankle, in order to enhance the stability of the ankle.
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different people, different season, choose shoes is a luxurious:
1. the elderly foot muscles gradually weaken, decreasing the flexibility of ligaments, foot gradual decline in weight-bearing capacity of the bow is often easy to form a flat foot, standing or walking some of it a little longer prone to foot, ankle, knee, lower back pain, etc. Therefore, the elderly should be used in lightweight, soft and elastic shoes, followed by about 2 centimeters, can serve to maintain the arch, is conducive to the role of weight-bearing and walking.
2. pregnant women and mothers is best to wear the right size, soft and comfortable, wide-soled shoes with good elasticity, followed by a height of about 2 cm or so, the body's weight in the feet and a buffer.
3. wearer to keep warm in winter, the space inside the shoe should be slightly more lenient, make room for the feet are a little stretch, which help to promote blood circulation, to prevent frostbite.
4. summer shoes should choose a strong permeability. sweat a lot or high temperature, it is best to wear sandals, so shoes wet susceptible bacteria or fungi, while keeping a shoes clean, dry, brushing, and sunbathing. socks, insoles to be appropriate, such as the bottom should be flat, texture should be soft, breathable and elastic.
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addition, Gilda and other brands to show , showcasing their is a Dorset's Investment Manager Mr. Yang Wan Li Weide closer look at the latest after the season, told this reporter, Wan Li Weide has the cooperation of their customers, is overwhelmed to come to a deeper and more detailed understanding of the co-brand and re- look at other relevant circumstances of participating brands. Correspondents in Daphne and to reporters, overwhelmed by the many visiting the exhibition Daphne shoes department stores are all multi-year-old customers, some customers are not the intention of cooperation, such as thousands of department stores, Xidan, Wangfujing there is a large business group so take this with its purchasing managers to discuss matters related to cooperation.
In addition, this exhibition are Paul b Getty, several shoe brands will fall orders will be placed on the exhibition site, for example, b Paul Getty, Mr. Bing, chairman of Tu I mentioned that he will order will be placed on the show for two purposes: first, to promote intention of the customer, not eager to enter into the scene, to discuss the follow-up work after the end of the show will be essential to track the depth follow-up because the focus is to showcase the brand image, so the exhibition, Paul Getty shape down homework in the hall, exhibition Office of pure green, a particularly striking in the hall; second pavilion streamlined shape, but also fully embodies the stores, such as the Northeast's rich and powerful, Jiangsu, Li Seoul shoe law have to cooperate, France Li Seoul's five stores have been equipped with special counters Paul Getty Hall, followed by bilateral cooperation will be more in-depth.
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