
UGG Boots Sale July 19, 2010

answer multiple-choice entrance language skills
fact with English, the language is the language of academic disciplines, but with the English language a little bit different, or the front part of the multiple choice questions to do with the principle of objectivity, language study is a sentence word acceptance, if it can self
language can be a little subjective reading a little bit, but to compare options, and this must be a certain objectivity, there may be ambiguity in the question not to consider, is to consider the opposite problem, if the opposite holds, this option must incorrect.
language features multiple-choice proposition: Because of the language class subjects must state clearly, so we can examine the direction of the proposition are only two methods, first method is the correct answer out as wrong, the second selection will be interference Set the correct item very. Therefore, we do question should focus on more options.
general proposition that the language about the order, the first (or first two) of pure memory, multi-tone or spelling words, this master it yourself.
second ~ fourth channel is nothing more than idioms, wrong sentences, ranked sentences, such practice is usually a lot of people drop points, it is very desirable. We focus on two questions idioms can successfully get the scores, the first phrase of praise and abuse concerns (or neutral) part of speech, idioms second concerns the use of objects, such as the 08 country Volume 2: best: some part of the charges, and some sub-time charges, as well as whether the payments, pay by the number of visitors to decide. Such as As long as other idioms can determine the meaning of right.
wrong sentences problem is a nightmare for many students, because we usually speak of the time to understand each other's communication intent, and therefore do not pay attention to the sentence correct or not, so the proposition would seize on this point to torment you, so everyone wrong. In fact, the biggest feature of wrong sentences, assuming I do not know anything, just look at the text can not make it clear that one thing (or coherent thing), nothing that we need to know to play a role in the case of non-subjective, heard these words can not understand what is said, can clearly understand that the pair may have ambiguous ambiguous. Such as the National 8 Volume 2, 0 wrong sentences:
3. The following sentence, the sentence is not grammatical
A. King Wu carbon carving craft exquisite, pure natural pigment color, with elegant, stylish, enjoy the art of individuality , also adsorb toxic and harmful gases, is an environmentally friendly work of art.
B. county seriously implement the
C. In his speech, Chinese and Russian heads of state agreed that, should hold the
D. Pan Village Dr. Wang Cong heard you talk about agricultural technology lessons to give, we high spirits, not to time, the village meeting room packed with a lot of villagers come to lectures, the scene is bustling.
A After listening to what you feel? listening to stuff, or do not know what it is environmental art? B is listening to a loss, there is no question how to solve?
C depends more fluent and can understand say about what happened, stay in, D meaning is relatively clear, but listen a little ambiguous, so the CD more, this time to read a little more and found that D did not explain things clearly, not to what time? there packed with a lot of villagers, standing objective point of view, we can not be considered class time,UGG Boots Sale, dinner time can you? many villagers, many others can you? So he had finished talking I do not know specifically what . Some people say I do question some far-fetched, but the language of academic disciplines is the essence of this straight, the sentence itself is not ambiguous, we can start from this side, not going to memorize what to refer to is unknown, the word order wrong, wrong logic such a mess of error types.
concluded that sort of question about the sentence, there are many students a headache, the basic test method is then hollowed out a short period and then discharged in the correct option. In fact, such practice has obvious implication point, almost every word has an associated word or the beginning of transition words, we remember, according to the unified nature of the related words to express the intensity of ascending, turning on the second half,UGG Boots Sale, as the same time, or, and (and) once, but the other,UGG Boots Sale, we could follow these suggested words and turn down the tone of question to do, can reduce the degree of difficulty. Modern Man and classical, some poetry appreciation
Generally speaking, the modern study of the text chapters focus on understanding the analysis, but look at the sea, visit the Analysis of capacity and almost all options to find the original capacity, why? This do problems from the standpoint of, we usually get after reading the article do. In fact, can do a direct look at the subject title, because the title itself tells us the information what to look for information. We do question the problem through the return from the original, you can sweep a little bit original, meaning there is a turning point, case, explain the reasons, explained the concept to mark such places, so basically the answer.
retake the country 08, Volume 2, the subject we all find, let us analyze options and make the next starting point questions and how you can read the original. The original is probably talking about In fact, suggesting to some point in turning back the original. The first option is not to mention the obvious errors, B options see C not say lying, D subjective options, It is because of the legalization of the court. But many students believe that there is correlation, which is a typical subjective trap. Therefore choose C.
second question a little more objective, can know the A option is entirely subjective speculation, which have not one word about financial difficulties, economic deterioration, said only make ends meet, but we see this word often associated with financial difficulties, economic deterioration is correct, this is an objective necessity of thinking to do reading. The article did not say all, will not know.
The third problem, according to the previous principles, to find the subject, the principle objective is not difficult to discharge D answers.
knowledge of classical poetry inspection point is fine, in fact, a regular method is feasible, in fact, classical is very simple, any one classical, genre and language of the presentation are similar, because the classical set of function words is dead, the syllabus requirements classical function words: and, what, almost, is, its, and, if, by, for, Yan, but also to, for, in, and, then, who's. These 18 function words remained unchanged. The sentence is almost classical, but many students read a very tough, in fact, as long as the word knowledge, there is no time sense. Classical statements generally dominated, and poetry in the mood first, the mood of the scene depicted on the subjective needs, now the entrance because the answer is controversial, so there is less out gradually, or no trend, but the narrative, classical classification of people almost always test to the class. The more classical approach to the science is that we first saw all the problems, then read it again into the original generation of word reading test, can determine whether the general right. Means test, the test sentence, to read more of their original sentence before and after 2 to 3, so that meaning can be roughly read out. Is the most difficult problems and perspectives There is an overview of the article title, pick a wrong, more difficult.
Now specifically about the more classical scientific approach:
an overall skimming, not too small to explore everything, find out about what the article said things which people can
Second, the dialogue part of the mark, to mark the dialogue during the process of skimming, because a lot of ideas and explanations are based on the conversation to the
Third, look at questions read, pay attention to sentence was intended to associate turning point, or turning common words associated with classical, However, if some other function words. Note that the text questions.
four options for contrast, but also between the more classical option, and must be compared.
continue to speak volumes to take 08 National 2, 8 and got quite interesting, C options in a single sentence to explain itself can be set up, but put the original one in control, meaning not meet, because no table in front of reasons, So To do such practice must be read before and after the sentence to see the relevance of the establishment does not hold all the test methods are the same questions, do not believe you put into the other three correct options are set up according to whether the sentence before and after launch.
Question 9 was speculated that the sentence was intended problem, two paths should go, first, compare options, and the second is a return to the original, but we must see what is the expression of the subject, what is the option to , can not subjective. Slightly from the original as long as such practice after reading a few sentences, are usually easier to make.
Question 10 is clearly more trouble, and was picked the wrong questions, such practice must take the time, a small sentence to find a small sentence, anyway, some classical also 300 to 400 words, if more difficult to find, it can determined first determined, to grasp the option is not selected directly, usually as long as the corresponding literal meaning, is not wrong.
language examinations because a lot of accumulated knowledge, and some of the questions also assume that their point of view, makes a lot of people lose points on the multiple-choice questions, but from a skill point of view that nothing is done according to the semantic problem. Seize one of the words, phrases, sentences of contradictions, will not lead to ambiguity? Application object clear? Statements in line with the original point of view there is no effect? ​​Grasp these points, there is little choice difficulty, and hope that in the usual do pay attention to the theme of time to do the training from these perspectives, in order to improve the speed to do problems.

