
UGG OutletHusband, wife, purse rescue terminally ill ex-girlfriend ( map )

Soviet construction (left) and his wife Wang Qiongying (right).

reunion of a family of three eating rice balls, but lonely thinking far in Shaanxi Li Ying, the couple can not help but pick up the phone calls from the Ying to the living conditions, and that the New Year or Spring Festival will go to Shaanxi to visit her. And Li Ying is the phone sobbing, said: His first girlfriend Ying University is rich not only abandoned by her husband, and who suffers from cancer, will have to abandon his former girlfriend secretly received Guangdong treatment. Huge medical bills forced him to take the risk to

as girlfriend cured disease.

yesterday, Wang Qiongying said with deep feeling: guarantee that the future still be able to find. the Soviet Union when he was 22 years old college building, the embrace of a pain because of a failed love affair of the heart come south to work in Jiangmen City, a foreign-funded enterprises, with solid writing skills, joined the company three months of the Soviet Union became the company building Enterprise newspaper editor.

2004 Chinese New Year, at a friend's introduction, the Soviet Union and the construction of Xinhui District, Jiangmen City, young women Wangqiong Ying met each other. 2005 Spring Festival, the Soviet Union building and Wang Qiongying into the wedding hall,UGG Outlet, a family of three days of happiness and harmony.

Wang Qiongying started doing business from the age of 18, after 10 years of hard work, she operated electric bicycle chain stores all over the Jiangmen Wuyi cities have become quite well known in Jiangmen young women entrepreneurs, and elected of Xinhui District People's Congress. However, a happy life with her husband terminally ill ex-girlfriend and thrown the ripples ... ...

sister Su Su Xiaojuan scheduled for construction this year, February 19 wedding. February 15, Su-yin building back to the city home. After dinner, the family sitting together to discuss Xiaojuan wedding.

Soviet building shook his head. Su Li Ying is the construction of the university's first girlfriend, the two met in the shade of a city in, love in the university campus. Li Ying married after graduation, her heart so that when the Soviet Union the negative construction Ruzhui Ice, disheartened.


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2 月 17 early in the morning, find old classmates Tiangang Min Su construction. Tiangang Min sighed and said: soul mate, life, travel and out of cars, wear is famous. However, a bolt, Li Ying's father drove killed two students, then escape by car, by public security authorities brought to justice. Her husband's family's flour mill and therefore implicated collapsed. A husband who vent their anger on Li Ying, the two divorced. Making matters worse, Li Ying has suffered from kidney cancer, her family can not even pay for her medical treatment, had to ask for four to borrow money ... ... garment factory workers. Suddenly, his heart a thought emerge: treatment with Li Ying to Guangdong.

construction in the Soviet Union in front of Li Ying, the former full of rosy, sunny charming face has now become pale and haggard, his eyes showing depression and loss. He lied to the company in a hurry for his family urged him to return immediately. Su-building sister apologized to the guilt, the former ready to give his sister $ 10,000 gift left ready to Li Ying treatment.

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2 19 afternoon, south of the train arrived in Guangzhou Railway Station, the construction and Ying Su and her daughter the car immediately rushed to the hospital the doctor did a full examination of Li Ying, said:

did not take long, call the hospital, said Dr Chan Ying fainted once, and the hospital at the expense of the circumstances of a humanitarian rescue her, but if the Soviet Union building also raise enough money to put Lee on the proposed Ying him home down the telephone,UGG Boots Clearance, the construction of the wound and the Soviet Union, in a friend's referral, from a

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2 28, the hospital arranged for the Ying surgery lasted 8 hours, successful operation, the patient transferred to intensive care. construction, Dr Chan told the Soviet Union surgery, although successful, but then also for 3 months of chemotherapy to prevent recurrence of cancer cells spread.

understand the construction of the Soviet Union, three months of chemotherapy is still an astronomical sum of money a few. March 7 the Soviet Union back to the construction of the new session Li Ying, Li Ying and her daughter rent placed, then the new session with Ying People's Hospital on a regular basis to chemotherapy side back to work building the Soviet Union, while the time to follow-up everywhere as medical expenses by Li Ying, also ready to repay the loan sharks.

5 月 27 evening, Su Ying and her daughter's rental building just came out, they were several young men to promote a van, and a half hours later, the van in a pond next to the stopped, several people walked into a charge he old brick house.

wife purse to save her husband ex-girlfriend

Soviet building was locked up in a night without lighting of the room overnight. The next morning, the Soviet Union was building noise awakened, he saw his wife Wang Qiongying out with the loan shark in the racket, said that three days later pay back the money to him.

home, the construction of the Soviet Union lay it to tell his wife what has happened. listening, tears pouring from Wang Qiongying eyes, her hands clenched, choking back tears the construction of the Soviet Union, said: man, blame you so late to tell me,UGG Sale, have so many years of marriage, Do not you know me? hung his head and whispered: continued hospitalization it, so you go back, let go the Soviet Union how the construction of the heart? I was his wife, money, things you do not worry, we do have. We are running a hospital admission on ... more than 300 million hoard of various brands of electric bikes in the shop, but by his own wisdom, not only in a few days she was for her husband to pay off the loan sharks, but also for Li Ying raised enough post-treatment costs. After three months of careful treatment, Li Ying's disease has been effectively controlled and gradually recover this year on July 8, Ying Wang Qiongying and the attending physician for the construction of the Soviet Union, said: , is expected to complete recovery. Related articles:

