
Deng Pei

Baike card

Deng Pei is a Chinese Communist Party during the party, an outstanding representative of the Chinese working class, the early labor movement's leaders and well-known activist. His life for China's revolutionary cause, especially in the early railway workers movement has made important contributions.


About Biography Deng Pei (1883-1927) Sanshui people. Chinese workers' movement of the early leaders. Born in poor working families, 14

Deng Pei

-year-old machine factory in Tianjin days Detai apprentice, 17-year-old factory in Tangshan to Beijing Feng rail when craftsmen, who participated in League activities. After the outbreak of the May Fourth Movement in 1919, his colleagues in the workers to organize trade unions and the ten groups, leading the whole factory workers and university students held a demonstration traffic. The spring of 1921 joined the Communist Party in Beijing early organization, and the establishment of Tangshan factory trade union leader, was elected chairman. He then active labor movement, organized and set up the Socialist Youth League, set up the CPC Tangshan factory branch secretary. January 1922 to attend the Far East held in Moscow in the Soviet Union and Communist revolutionary groups in the first national congress, as the Chinese workers' representatives, was received by Lenin. In April, local committee secretary of CPC Tangshan, August, was elected secretary of the Executive Committee of Tangshan areas, while the North District as a member of the CPC, the Chinese Ministry of Beijing branch secretary of labor combinations leading members. In 1922, Tangshan factory has launched more than 3,000 workers strike, Tangshan Qi new cement plants and more than 7,000 workers strike more than 30,000 workers Kailuan the General Federation of Minmetals strike, the workers' movement off the climax of Tangshan. He was not only the organization of the CPC Tangshan region to create people, and the labor movement to become a famous leader of the North. 1923, was elected chairman of Beijing-Feng Railway Union. Twenty-seven tragedy, and actively mobilize workers in support of Tangshan, Beijing-Hankou Road, fund-raising to support workers' struggles. June went to Guangzhou to attend the three CPC, was selected as an alternate implementation of the Central Committee. After the Tangshan continue to lead the labor movement back and build the national railway Federation of Trade Unions. February 1924 to participate in the Beijing leadership to convene a national congress of railway workers, the formal establishment of the Chinese National Railway Union, was elected chairman. In January 1925 four Chinese, continue to alternate the Central Executive Committee was elected, he served as Special Representative and the CPC in the CPC Tangshan Tangshan party secretary. February to Zhengzhou, China hosted the Second Congress of railway workers, was elected executive member of the National Railway Union. May went to Guangzhou to attend the Second National Labour Congress, was elected executive member of Federation of Trade Unions. Divergence tragedy, people all walks of life led him back to Tangshan two thousand people rally to denounce the imperialist crimes, strike strike strike struggle. With the end of the year was transferred to Beijing, specializing in the work of the National Railway Union. February 1926 in Tianjin, China hosted the third congress of railway workers, continue to be elected as executive member of Railway Union. Soon as the chief representative of the national railway concurrent accreditation to the Guangdong Federation of Trade Unions office, to work in Guangzhou. May attend the Third National Labour Congress, was re-elected executive member of the National Federation of Trade Unions. He led the active support of Guangdong Province, Hong Kong railway workers strike and the Northern Expedition, and was elected chairman of Guangdong Provincial Federation of Trade Unions. February 1927 to Hankou railway workers in the country hosted the Fourth Congress, he served as Bureau members. In April 1927, in Guangzhou, four hundred and fifteen counter-revolutionary coup d'etat, was arrested by the new warlord, was severely tortured in prison, unyielding. June 22, calmly die a martyr in Guangzhou. [1] Deng Pei formerly with life safety, fewer words mountain, southwest of the town of Sanshui County, Shek Wu Tang Guan Cun African people in 1883,[url=http://www.moncleruksales.co.uk/][b]title=Moncler Sale[/b][/url], was born April 8, a poor peasant family. His young death of his father, by his mother to farm for a living, live frugally, reading a four-year private school. Deng Pei relative to the age of 14 following a machinery factory in Tianjin Detai apprentice. 3-year apprenticeship period, admitted to the Beijing-Tangshan Railway

Deng Pei Feng residence surrounded by trees and beautiful environment

factory (now Tangshan Locomotive Plant) rotating bed to do work, he insisted while working self. As hard to learn, humbly ask, will soon become a plug-construction, able to speak English, mathematics and mechanical engineering technology workers. He was honest, progressive thinking, high prestige among the workers. Before the Revolution, Deng Pei accepted the ideology of bourgeois democratic revolution,[url=http://www.bootsugg.us/][b]title=UGG Boots Clearance[/b][/url], took part in the League, and many workers as the Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary activities with donors over funds. After the Revolution, he was very concerned about the fate of the country and nation, for the two sons named Guoqiang, Guo-Xing, national prosperity and expressed his hope that national rejuvenation feelings. May 1919, Deng Pei active part in the May Fourth Movement. He organized the workers' trade union colleagues . April 1920, in Beijing, Li Dazhao and other organizations will send representatives to study Marxist theory Luo Zhanglong to Tangshan contact with Deng Pei, and recruited him for the direct contacts in Tangshan. May 1921, Beijing Communist Youth League Li Shuyi team sent to Tangshan to help Deng Pei established Tangshan on July Socialist Youth League, Deng Pei secretary. Soon, Deng Pei Jia into the Chinese Communist Party, during a party founded one of the earliest members of several workers. In order to mobilize and unite the workers, he was in the past, In September, the Ministry of China Beijing branch secretary of Labor to establish a combination, open leadership of the workers movement, Deng Pei is a member of the division. January 1922, Deng Pei attended the Third International in Moscow, the Communist Party held in the Far East countries and ethnic groups for the first time the revolutionary congress. At the meeting, Deng Pei reported the Chinese trade unions, railway workers and metallurgy strike situation. Lenin in the Kremlin during the meeting were cordially received by the enthusiasm and encouragement. After returning home, Deng training under the leadership of the CPC Beijing District in the Tangshan region further Party work. In July, the Chinese Communist Party Deng Pei attended the Second National Congress. The same place on the Executive Committee of CPC Tangshan secretary. Soon, as the Beijing Party Committee, the Beijing party committee's leadership. October to January, the Deng leadership training in Tangshan, railways, mines, mills, cement plants and other unions to form labor legislation Tangshan Grand Alliance. Tangshan has leadership and guidance to the railway workers and coal miners strike to open paint victory. June 1923, Deng Pei held in Guangzhou, China to participate in the Third National Congress of the Communist Party, was elected alternate member of the Central Executive Committee. After the meeting,[url=http://www.moncler-online.us][b]title=moncler down jackets[/b][/url], Deng Pei back in Tangshan, China actively participated in the preparation work of the National Railway Union. February 1924, Deng attended the training held in Beijing, the national railway workers congress, was elected chairman of the Executive Committee of the National Railway Union. In the meantime, the leadership of Deng training workers and railway authorities cut more than 3,000 workers and anti-union activity to fight the bad acts, made and trade union workers return to work to restore public activities of the victory. January 1925, Deng Pei held in Shanghai, China to participate in the Fourth National Congress of the Communist Party, was elected to the Central Executive Committee to continue to alternate. After four, he was appointed Special Representative and the CPC Central Committee in Tangshan Tangshan CPC party secretary. In May, he led a delegation to Guangzhou railway workers to attend the Second National Labour Congress, was elected member of the Executive Committee of the ACFTU. After the meeting, Deng training to stay in Guangzhou, with Yang Yin, Yue-Han Liu and other leaders Seoul Song, Guangzhou-Kowloon, Kozo, Chaozhou, Sunning (Taishan, Jiangmen to) other railway workers participated in pacification warlords Yancy Min, Liu Zhenhuan insurgency struggle. When Zhou Enlai led the revolutionary army return in triumph in Guangzhou, Deng Pei organizations of railway workers quickly train to Dongguan, Qingyuan, Sanshui and other places to set back the revolutionary army in Guangzhou, as put down the rebellion contributed to the warlords. Divergence after the massacre, Deng Pei back to Tangshan Tangshan, all walks of life people lead more than 20,000 people rally to denounce the crimes of imperialism. After the meeting, set up the September 1925, the CPC Central Committee Deng Pei transferred to Beijing, responsible for the national railway Federation of Trade Unions leadership. February 1926, on behalf of the National Railway 210,000 18 major national railway workers in the Third Congress of Trade Unions held in Tianjin, Tang Pei presided over the meeting and delivered a work report. The meeting of the National Workers' Movement has played a positive role in promoting. Deng was elected to continue training at the National Railway Union chairman. Early May 1926, Deng attended the training held in Guangzhou the Third National Labor Congress. At the meeting, to continue training when the former residence of Deng

selected Trade Unions Executive Committee. Soon, the need for the development of the revolutionary situation, Deng Pei was transferred to Guangzhou, Guangdong Federation of Trade Unions serve the national railway office. He in Guangdong has led the support-Hong Kong railway workers strike of railway workers organized pickets and Hong Kong strike workers' pickets, has counter the reactionary armed to the wide, surrounded by three Railway Union, beat back the reactionary armed to the Canton-Hankow Railway Union attacks shattered the scab and the counter-revolutionary forces destroyed Sunning Railway Union conspiracy. In July, the Yue-Han Tang Pui, Kozo, the Kowloon-Canton three railway transport team composed of workers and military supplies transported Northern Expeditionary Army to support the Northern Expedition. The spring of 1927, the summer solstice in 1926, Deng sent in-depth training in addition to the Canton-Hankow, Kozo Qujiang along the railway line, Shaoguan, Qingyuan, flowers County, the South China Sea, strengthening ties with the county farmers' associations, but also three times to return home study Sanshui County worker-peasant movement, called on fellow trade unions, peasant associations, left, also with a few farmers to participate in the revolution. April 15, 1927, the Kuomintang reactionaries launched in Guangzhou, counter-revolutionary coup d'etat, sent a large number of police, arrest communists and revolutionaries. Deng Pei, Guangdong Federation of Trade Unions in the National Railway Office unfortunate arrested. Reaction to Deng Pei tied up into the black bag, secret detention on the Guangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau. In prison, the enemy coercion to hand over party members Tang Pui, a list of trade union cadres, was sternly denounced Deng Pei. He is firmly against the enemy, said: confidential, rather die than surrender. June 22, 1927 night, Deng Pei was brutally killed by a secret enemy, when he was 44 years old. Deng Pei-sacrifice, June 27, 1927 letter to the CPC Central Committee Fourth National Conference of Labor letter said: The party will never forget the matter. In September 1990, the Chinese Communist Party Committee of Sanshui County, Sanshui County, southwest of the county people's government in the establishment of the park statue of Deng Pei, NPC Standing Committee Chairman Peng Zhen of the original statue inscribed Communist Party of China Committee of Sanshui City, Sanshui city government allocated special funds to repair Shek Wu Tang Guan Cun Tang Pui Chau residence. Bronze statue of Deng and Tang Pui Pui's former residence to become the revolutionary tradition of good places. Deng Peilie disabilities glorious deeds will forever inspire people to strive for new victories. [2] [3] [4] References 1

Deng Pei



Deng Pei



Deng Pei , excellent Chinese workers' movement activists



labor movement pioneer go down in history - remember Deng Pei Martyrs


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