
UGG SaleReward the best employees year-end real estate agent, Mercedes

in today's prices, your year-end awards right? To learn more about Xiamen enterprises, institutions and employees year-end bonus situation, our recent market research commissioned by Decision Resources Ltd., Fujian Province, the use of riding and other random sampling method of investigation of 500 enterprises, institutions and employees to investigate the year-end awards, A total of 487 valid samples were completed. Through the survey found that 87% of respondents said the unit has paid year-end awards, and more than 75% of respondents increased over the previous year-end awards.

In an interview survey respondents, including the financial industry, real estate industry, civil servants, public institutions, accommodation and catering industries, construction, manufacturing, transportation, wholesale and retail trade , information transmission, computer services and software industry, leasing and business services and a few industry players.


real estate agent pours earned last year, year-end awards envy

outstanding manager year-end awards: a Mercedes-Benz

2010, the Xiamen-hand housing turnover than 一手房, more than 4,000 sets of transactions, the natural intermediary industry is cashing in full. In recent days, major real estate companies are held year-end banquet feast, for the best employees out of the year-end bonus is quite generous, in addition to conventional computers, appliances, cash, a local big brand agency, to send employees for outstanding on the Mercedes-Benz, Accord luxury sedan.

there Xin Matai travel reward Mercedes

are talking about real estate Dan Ha's year-end banquet on January 25 meeting. Yesterday, the company's headquarters to the Herald reporter, an executive confirmed the news: performance of the highest real estate agent, was 'annual broker' title, the prize is a eighth generation Accord sedan. rewards, but also an incentive for other employees. Herald reporter learned that, in addition to motor vehicles, the company of 20 employees by the recognition of outstanding, award Xin Matai travel, per person fares 5,000 yuan, a total of $ 100,000.

in the industry, the owner of such pride, while small, but other agency employees for outstanding year-end bonus is not ambiguous. Second-hand housing insiders Herald reporter said to Mr. Shaw, recently participated in a number of the agency's year-end banquet activities, see awards in the field of household appliances, as well as laptop computers, to send travel abroad, or sent directly to tens of thousands of dollars in cash a check,

such a huge year-end awards from the point of view, Xiamen intermediary industry had a good day last year. regional manager and a director of their own money to buy a Mercedes.

end of the year award is intended to force store expansion

Herald reporter also found in the interview, gives the agency an attractive year-end awards, only one purpose: retain talent. When people are still the property market in the end of the Rabbit is up is down, when debating various intermediary companies are choosing to expand the store quietly.

for the intermediary industry's rapid expansion in the New Year, Real Estate Agents Association of Xiamen City Deputy Secretary-General Lin Yonghong that the entire market, there are many benefits, but the crowd rolling in the big brands competing background , some small agency, the day may be too much, which requires managers to develop the mind, take the character, differences in management of the road,UGG Austrila, such as roots in the community stores to gain stable customers.


nearly 90% of interviewees have year-end awards

the respondents, the proportion of total 87.27% chose the end of the year award in 2010 can be take, only 12.73% of respondents said the unit is not ready to release 2010 year-end awards, this part of the respondents were mainly concentrated in the civil service, public institutions and other industries. With the gradual expansion of economic recovery side, many companies have been through the crisis period, began to turn around, release year-end awards and also has become the end of the year many companies reward, Herald reporters found that, even without a separate year-end bonuses, will There are double income, stocking, etc. to be had.

super-Qi Cheng end of the year award less than 5,000 yuan

removed other than the normal salary in December, Xiamen employees how much they will get the general year-end awards? Can get in the end of the year award respondents, 1,000 yuan -5000 yuan range of options the highest rate, 60.5% of the total selection rate, plus 15.5% of less than 1,000 yuan, a total of 76% of employees surveyed range of year-end awards concentrated in less than 5,UGG Sale,000 yuan. It also represents the most common range of year-end awards.

choose -10000 5000 yuan per second range, a total of 19.8% of the selected rate; In addition, more than 1 million to 10 million is only 4.2% of total respondents selected a total of about 18 individuals. Which, 1 million -5 million range range of options is 2.8%, about 12 people, 5 million -10 million range is 1.2% of the respondents' choices, about 5 individuals; 10 million yuan, only 0.2% Only a personal choice.

end of the year award over 70% of respondents who have growth

inflation today, your year-end awards also follow up? Through the survey found that in the year-end awards will get the respondents, about 75.5% of the people to take more than the previous year, 16.2 percent less than the previous year-end awards, and another 8.3% of people choose to end of the year award the same amount.

most of the units on the end of the year award amount confidential

Herald reporter also survey found that most of the units of each employee's year-end award amount is confidential, not open and transparent. In this survey, about 61.4% of respondents said How much. It is noteworthy that, in the choice of

70% over year-end awards issued before the Spring Festival

Although many business managers that paid twice the year-end award, issued before the Spring Festival as part of the Spring Festival after the payment of part, you can play to retain employees, reduce the role of staff turnover, but by the survey, the Herald reporter found, the respondents,UGG Sale, less than two percent of respondents selected this way, there are more than 70% the proportion of choice retain the role of employees. In addition, only 7.8% of people choose to wait until the end of the year award

release year-end awards for what purpose?

release year-end awards, in the end what is the meaning and purpose? In this survey, also released a special year-end awards on the meaning of a questionnaire, in all the options, greatest significance. Followed by


year-end bonus: $ 500

worry about job-hopping years before bonuses

front-line workers made about $ 300 at year-end awards, a box of fruit, put a week's leave, leave this week still have 3-5 days of paid leave, received four or five yuan a day, add up to 500 yuan, but bonuses and the like will be sent to us until years later, is worried that our workers do not get back to the factory after the end of the year award to work.

only a high school education in Xiamen Li has 10 years, and did hot pot shop attendant, did the factory assembly line workers, was introduced to the fellow into the existing plant, is responsible for high-voltage products, stamping, be regarded as a skilled jobs.

end of the year award, the ordinary waiter never took year-end awards. 2009 year-end awards distribution system point of view, then end of the year award estimated at 20 million.

It is understood that in this company, if the end of the year, when assignments are able to complete it, from top to bottom will be no small amount of money a group of ordinary people in five or six million , department manager in the tens of thousands of ten between 10000-20, and Chen last year because the amount of over-done, an additional bonus.

Point to 8:00 pm, things or finish, but also to the company to work overtime on Saturday. to Shanghai immediately after the motor car ride to Hangzhou and other places, fly at night and then fly back, as in Quanzhou, Zhangzhou and other places of travel is commonplace.

Chen said.

Herald Correspondent Hong Hui Hui Bao Na

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