
Coach SaleFiolett walked for a few minutes

Fiolett walked for a few minutes. Then, she reached a small wooded area. Fiolett could barely see the figure of a kid through the trees. It looked like there was some kind of pokemon sitting next to the child.

Fiolett blinked and looked around, to see if anyone else was. No one. 'But that kid has pokemon. They must know which direction I go' she thought.

"I hope you're enjoying the food buddy"Alex said to Vuree as they sat eating in the woods. "Ree!" Vuree cried out showing that it was indeed doing just that. Alex then noticed his Vuree stop eating and perk her ears up. "Hmm something wrong Cynder?" Alex asked her and then looked over his shoulder just in time to see a girl approaching.

Gulping,Coach Sale, Fiolett walked over and called "Hello! I was wondering how I get to Opal town from here?" The silverette girl jumped over a log and landed on her feet.

Usually Alex would have said hi first to be polite, but she beat him to speaking. "Oh well the nurse said it's right through this path, I'm going there myself...." Alex after a brief pause becae visibly excited. "Hey! if you want we could be travel buddies." He said to her. "That is of course if like me you're also starting your journey." He said smiling and figuring he should have asked that before. "I'm Alex, and this is Cynder he said introducing himself and his friend.

Layla walked down a dirt path that wound through a field. After a few minutes, she reached a small wooded area. The trees were too thick for her to see anything, but she could hear two people talking in the woods.

Layla looked where the voices came from. "Togue?" Flyvning said kind of asking what she would do. "Just keep quiet" Layla said and went quietly near the voices. She wanted to know first if those people were friendly or not as to ask directions.

Fiolett blinked her olive hues. 'What a young-looking girl' She thought. Well, younger than her it seemed. 'Hmm...Travel buddies?' She thought. Was it smart? They just met. 'But maybe we can help eachother' she thought. Smiling, she said "thank you. I'd like that. I'm Fiolett Brand" and she took Cyndaquil's pokebal and opened it.

"Cyndaquil" squeaked out the pokemon with a shake of it's long face. "And this is my partner Cyndaquil" she said as she bent down, petting the nuzzling fire pokemon.

"It's nice to meet you Ms. Brand." Alex said to the girl, and then responded with childish joy at the sight of her Cyndaquil. "Oh cool!" He said with wonder in his voice.

"Yes, I just started my journey” Fiolett continued. “Maybe we can help eachother." "Cynda?" The silver-haired girl perked and down at her alert pokemon. On it's stumpy legs, it walked over to Vuree. It's squinty eyes stared into the pink ones. 'Is it okay? I wonder if there's something wrong?' She thought.

Alex watched somewhat hesitantly as Vuree and Cyndaquil met each other. Alex was slightly worried that Cynder would either be scared or on the opposite end overly affectionate and frighten off or annoy Cyndaquil. "Ree, Vuree" Cynder said as she met the Cyndaquil, and sniffed. Alex was almost ready to grab Cynder when she raised her paw, but he held back when Cynder just lightly put her paw in an affectionate manner on Cyndaquil's head, and then took her paw off. "I think Cynder like your Cyndaquil.

Fiolett smiled and said "It seems so. I'm glad." She watched as Cyndaquil greeted with a shake of it's stubby paw. She had to admit, she was relieved. She was afraid that Cyndaquil and Vuree wouldn't get along and there would be an unnecesary fight.

Alex then stopped and turned his head having heard something. His hearing sometimes went in to overboost for some unexplainable reason. The silverette perked up as she also heard someone or something coming. Cyndaquil got infront of it's trainer and got into a position to fight. Even the red spots on it's back glowed and formed a group of flaming looking spikes.

‘Maybe another pokemon trainer?’ Fiolett thought. And there she was, she was right,beats tour! A girl that looked abit older than her and holding...Was that a Togepi?!

"Hmm..." Alex said and saw that it was a girl carrying a pokemon in her arms. Alex looked to Cynder who was calm. "Hey ma'am" Alex said to the approaching girl, wondering who she was.

"Shoot, they saw me. At least they look nice" Layla thought as she got out of her hidding place. "I'm Layla." She said. "Pi." Flyvning said. "Oh, and this is my loving Flyvning." Layla said smiling to her Toguepi.

"Oh hi miss I'm Alex, and this is Cynder" Alex said introducing both himself and his Vuree. He was a little uncertain of what to say next. The other two being closer in ager, and being the same gender he figured would probably talk to each other more easily, and he did not want to impose on anyone. Alex picked Cynder up so that the two girls could talk if they so desired. "Ree?" Cynder said softly looking up at him. "Ree" Alex responded to her.

"Hello, I'm Fiolett Brand" she said with a small bow at the waist. Cyndaquil relaxed and the spikes dissappeared. This human seemed harmless. Now, Fiolett was trying her hardest to hold in her excitement. Togepi had legends and myths around it. And just being in the spresence of one got Fiolett excited. She almost trembling.

"Nice to meet you, girls." Layla said, suddenly she felt a small shake the part if its belly. "Are you hungry, Flyvning?" She asked. "Pi" Flyvning answered and she nodded. Layla smiled again to her pokemon before getting a Pecha berry out from her bag and giving it to Flyvning. "Casually, do any of you know the way to Opal Town? I know it's west from here but... my compass isn't working"

Alex tilted his head in a slightly quizzical manner. "Well we're headed there too, and since this is our first meeting, I think it'd be right that I let you know I'm a boy." Alex said to the girl. "Vuu" Cynder said and looked at the berry that the Togepi was eating. "Of course" Alex said to he, “but we just ate." Alex reminded Cynder. "So we're all starting today? Is that a coencidence?”

Fiolett couldn't take it anymore. Her eyes sparkled and her pale cheeks were pink. "DOn't you two girls realise this? We've been sent here by the legendary pokemon Arceus! It created the universe, so it shaped our destinies!" She said excitedly. This was a moment when her excitement and devoted love to mythology kicked in and she couldn't hold it anymore! The silverette crossed her arms over her chest in a matter-of-factly matter and nodded. "Yep. No doubt about it" she said in that tone. "Quil?" Cyndaquil let out, looking up at it's trainer. This was different.

"Yeah, whatever. But would you mind telling me the way? I really want to continue my way." Layla said feeling a bit inpatient. She really can't wait to chellenge her first gym leader, though,Monster Headphones, she ignored the fact she didn't knew where she could find the first gym.

Alex blinked a few times at the both of them. It was an unusual feeling, being the middle man of the situation. He was about to remind Fiolett that he was a boy, when she said you two girls. He even considered a rant of free will versus fatalism versus determinism. However he noticed that Layla seemed impatient. "It's...down this path." Alex said referring to the path they were going, as in the other side of the woods. Alex feeling slightly bored and not wanting to get caught in the moment decided to slightly walk ahead.

Fiolett nodded and returned Cyndaquil to it's pokeball. She decided to follow these two until she thought she would be able to make her own plans. The silverette walked next to Alex.

Layla walked with them while Flyvning was getting asleep in her arms. She was thinking on continuing her travel alone, just with her pokemon when they get to Opal Town.

"Hey Cynder wanna hear a story?" Alex said. "Ree" Cynder said in an affirmative tone. "One morning in the middle of the night two dead fellows stood up to fight. They stood back to back, facing each other, drew their swords and shot each other. If you don't believe my lie, it's true, ask the blind lady on the corner, she saw it too." Cynder tilted her head at the strange little tale. "I'll get some comics later so you can understand."

With the sun shining brightly in the sky, the three trainers thus began their travels together.


Near the edge of the woods, a pokemon hidden by the canopy of leaves twitched its ears. “Hm?” said a blue-haired guy, adjusting his perch on a large tree branch to face the pokemon. “You hear something?” The guy closed his eyes and listened intently. Soon,Monster Beats Studio, he could hear the faint sounds of human voices approaching.

“Yeah,Vibram Five Finger, I hear them too” he whispered. The guy reopened his slate-gray eyes and gave the pokemon a cocky grin. “Are you ready for our first trainer battle together?” he asked. “Nini!” his pokemon replied, an excited expression on its face.

“That’s what I like to hear” the trainer said with a smile. He climbed a little lower in the tree and waited for the trainers to pass by.

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