
UGG Boots Bankruptcy of several men cheat fake returnees Nvwang 300,000

Hu handsome 28-year-old. Justice, he opened a company account does, but only a small facade, due to poor management, the brink of collapse, also owed a lot of debt. Type of program in the time to see friends, he inadvertently found that some older single women have some economic basis, therefore, initiation of the fabricate the background, and the role of He has formulated a number of steps: first, the other on the network to win the goodwill and win the trust; second, release high returns offered, so obediently pay the other side ... ... According to his account, in addition to a report of two suspects people outside the network, he has implemented at least five or six times this trick, every time, and it has been fraudulently obtained more than 30 million. The money, he has been used for debt payments.

to meet a variety of reasons to shirk,UGG Boots, we decided to design the snake out of its hole. Greedy Hu Shuai hold herself back, 15 noon, according to the agreed time he came in front of Taipei City Area restaurants, was arrested by plain clothes.

dividends coming days, but disappeared Hu Shuai, phone has not connected. October of this year, Huang reported to the police. In fact, after Xishan Bureau of Economic Investigation Team of police had received a similar report: Wu has also been the victim of male friends love and marriage dating cheated 10 million investment fund. According to two victims of the deception process memories, as well as human physical characteristics of the suspect's description, police have determined that the implementation of fraud suspects Hu handsome fellow.

Hu a handsome male friends. Hu Shuai claim 36, a few years ago, returned from studying in Japan, operates a mineral trading company, operating in Singapore industry parents. Huang Hu handsome background believed to produce a good impression, they also video chat, handsome and gentle appearance Hu Huang won further favor. Shuai Hu said: ore industry, he operated a day too much liquidity, because it is made from domestic ore to Japan, and then sold back home from Japan after processing, in short supply, to maximize profits. After a chat in another, Hu Shuai said: If you have idle money to Huang, his company may wish to invest, just 45 days, can get very high returns. Huang is very fond of him, decided to gamble.

life Hong Kong Daily News reporter Yuan Xiaohui

police analysis: those who have taken the bait, but so far no report of victims, may really be the beginning of the deception and Hu Shuai-minded, that is, the Marriage Network dating male friends has been cheated , that is a shameful thing, do not want to be outside the Yang scandal.

present, due to alleged contract fraud, the suspects had been approved the arrest of Hu Shuai.

When he learned that many people want to Hu's company commander, Her directly in the hands of multiple credit cards cash $ 100,000, together with their twenty thousand, she will vote for all the 120,000 yuan Hu Shuai. One day in February, according to the agreed place two, Shuai Huang and Hu signed an

One pair of the woman convinced him cash or a credit card the way, set to a 10 million investment to what he called the company.

