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one, education
1, education is the study of educational phenomenon, revealing the laws of a science education.
2, China's Spring and Autumn Wood's 比古罗马昆 the body good One of the main ideas are: reflect the inspiring teaching principles);
3, Czech Comenius 1632 He proposed a class system.
4, United States, John Dewey's
5, Soviet Union, praise-Korsakov's
6, United States, Bruner's
7, Linsky of the Soviet Su graduated ;.
8, the concept of education: a broadly defined social education, school education and family education in three areas; narrow sense refers to school education; partial justice refers to the ideological and moral education.
9, education, social attributes are: the eternal nature, history, and relative independence.
10, China's feudal society is mainly teaching in schools: , easy, Spring). It runs through Confucianism.
11, the genetic quality of the people can not afford a decisive role in physical and mental development, social environment plays a decisive role in human development. However, environmental determinism is wrong, because people accept the environmental impact is not negative, passive, but active dynamic practice.
12, the dual task of general secondary schools in China are: to develop sectors of the labor reserve forces; transfer of qualified high school level students.
13, China's overall development of education is an integral part of the moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic, and labor and technical education.
15, one of the tasks is the intellectual the intellectual development of students, including observation, imagination, thinking, memory and attention, thinking ability which is the decisive factor.
16, the fundamental task is to enhance the sports physical fitness of students.
17, first proposed in 1912, Cai aesthetic, and called the
18, the task of aesthetic education: (1) so that students have the right aesthetic and feel the United States, the knowledge and ability to appreciate beauty; (2) the performance of U.S. students and the ability to create beauty; (3) students of spiritual beauty and behavior of the United States.
19, the task of labor and technical education: (1) students of the labor point of view, to develop the right attitude and work habits; (2) preliminary education of students to master some basic production knowledge and work skills.
20, compulsory education is required by law, all school-age children and adolescents must receive, the state, society, families to ensure that the national education. Compulsory education is a compulsory education.
21, teacher education work of the organizers, leaders in the educational process plays a dominant role.
22, the fundamental task of teaching and educating teachers.
23, features work of teachers: (1) complexity, and creativity; (2) the continuity of time,UGG Boots Sale, spatial-extensive; (3) long-term, indirect; (4) of the main, demonstration .
24, teacher quality: professional ethics, knowledge, literacy,UGG Boots Sale, literacy ability.
25, students are the object of education is the subject of self education and development is the development of people.
26, China's new teacher-student relationship is characterized by: (1) respect for teachers love students; (2) democracy and equality; (3) teaching and learning. Basically, the establishment of good relations between teachers and students on teacher education.
27, teaching is composed of teachers and students to master the social experience of delivery and bilateral activities.
28, teaching is the basic way to achieve the aims of education. Teaching will never be educational. Teaching is the central task of the school, school-based heart must adhere to the teaching, the principle of comprehensive arrangements.
29, the teaching process and student feedback of teaching the process of bilateral activities, teachers play a leading teaching, students are subject. Leading role of teachers is not acting on their behalf.
30, the core curriculum of school education, the school personnel to develop a blueprint for the future.
31, write the curriculum standards and materials should follow the principles: unity of scientific thought; theory with practice; stability and integration times; systematic and acceptability of the combination.
32, knowledge is not equivalent to intelligence, knowledge of the number and level of intellectual development can not be marked. The teaching process should acquire knowledge and develop intelligence combine only paid attention to capacity-building in the form of educational theory (Locke UK) and only the real importance of knowledge to impart education on (UK Spencer) are wrong.
33, Herbart proposed transfer of knowledge and the law of the unity of ideological and moral education.
34, the process of teaching the basic stages: (use of knowledge, skills, skills formation.
35, the main teaching principles: (1) science and the principle of combining education; (2) the principle of integrating theory with practice; (3) the principle of intuitive; (4) inspiration principles; (5) the principle of progressive cycle; (6) the principle of consolidation; (7) the principles of individualized.
36, two opposing ideas of teaching methods are heuristic and injection, we should promote the heuristic against the injected style.
37, the basic organizational form of teaching - teaching.
38, commonly used teaching methods:
(⑧ discussion method; ④ reading guide method.
(2) the visual perception-based teaching methods: ① presentation method; ② visit method.
(3) the actual training-based teaching methods: ① to practice law ; ② experiment: ⑧ practical working method; ④ practice law.
(4) to explore the activity-based teaching methods: discovery method.
(5) to cultivate the emotional (experience) as the main teaching methods : ① enjoy teaching; ② situational approach.
39, teaching the basic components: (1) lesson planning; (2) school (central part of teaching); (3) the layout and marking homework; ( 4) tutoring; (5) academic examination and evaluation.
40, a good lesson of the basic requirements: (
(3) a reasonable structure. classes are highly planned, organized, efficient, effective (4) the appropriate method (5) language arts (6) writing on the blackboard in order. (7) attitude relaxed ease.
41, moral education generally include: political education and ideological education, law education and moral education in four basic areas.
42, moral education is for students to know, love, meaning, the process of training and improvement of the line. to know , feelings, intentions, the line is the moral psychology of the four elements. line is the ideological and moral formation of students whether or not the key is to measure the level of moral character of a person's main symbol.
moral process is along the knowledge, feelings, intentions, rows / ha sequence of development, but any one element can be used as the beginning of moral education, ideological and moral education that has many-fold, that moral education is for students to know, love, meaning, the line to improve the training process, teachers should ; convincing people with reason, and emotionally moving,UGG Boots Sale, perseverance, guided by the line principles; from the student the reality principle; unity of knowledge and principles; group education with individual education, the principle of combining; positive education and discipline, the principle of combining; rely on positive factors, to overcome the negative factors principles; respect trust and strict demands on students the principle of combining; education affect the principles of consistency and coherence.
45, Makarenko parallel educational theory: education and individual education collective principle of combining.
46, moral way: the ideological and political lesson is particularly important way of teaching other subjects are most often, the most basic ways.
47, cultivate character education, including probation, environment, cultivate, cultivate three kinds of arts.
48, the main task of the teacher: take a good class, teach their students.
49, a comprehensive study of student understanding and teacher work is effectively a prerequisite and basis for which observation is a basic understanding of methods.
50, group organization and culture classes is the central part of the class teacher. cultivate a collective opinion and a good class atmosphere, which is a measure of class group is an important indicator of the formation.

