
UGG Online Outlet Sports Network ( Chutian ) intern reporter Raochun Wu Tsai can

It is understood the injured complete master ,UGG Online Outlet, 48 years old . Last night , completed the master and the other workers stood three meters deep groove, ready to lay water pipes in the trench , 11 am, the construction of gutter suddenly collapse , quickly run away to another master , the master complete body buried under the mound .

time of the incident ,UGG Sale, there are more than 10 workers are still under construction , we immediately ran to the cave at the seeing ,UGG Boot, the pressure in the completion of the master hand dig the soil who ,UGG Boots Sale, after a few minutes , completed the master was put out.

Sports Network ( Chutian ) intern reporter Raochun Wu Tsai can , Zhang Hongtao report: Qian Riwan 11 am, off the mountain all the way to a construction site trench suddenly collapse , a worker buried , more than ten workers hand to dig , this unconscious , the victim eventually revive apnea .

workers introduced , completed the master was scratched when the unconscious not breathing , was lifted out of the trench , the breathing suddenly restored, we jumped with excitement . Since then, the 120 emergency personnel rushed to the scene , the master will complete the hospital for treatment , has now completed the master out of danger .

