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think Jiang Jing: circle, and then we look at the map, looked after the hit poker, playing forty-five look, suddenly fell down. personnel arrived on the scene when the old man had stopped breathing. This may not be able to see the next land, this river and the old King thought What is the relationship, a community of security, why the old man named Grandpa keeps tube? Why did he inform them not to call to an elderly person in it? On the land can be puzzled when the King thought Jiang's speech is so land can be angry, everyone had to prepare an inventory of the relics of the elderly, can live the King River was firmly opposed to thinking.

huge legacy cited an incident

elderly lonely death

think Jiang Jing: I hope I can give Chen talk about,[url=http://www.drdreheadphonesonline.org/]Beats Headphones[/url], was able to send two people to his home to a trip. Why you get older, but not a close relative? The King thought the face looked confused river, the old man talking to his own experience. King thought the old man told Jiang that he called the Sun Ruilin, 1946, to Taiwan, in Taipei, a school teacher until retirement, has no children. That year, all elderly packed a lifetime of belongings, defected from Taiwan back to Chengdu, sister, intended to roots,[url=http://www.drdreheadphonesonline.org/]Beats Headphones[/url], in the family around a comfortable old age, but who wanted things are unpredictable, a person's relationship with her sister soon strained. Initially, elderly relatives or passion in every possible way to treat the elderly, and they helped the elderly in Chengdu to buy a set of 70 square meters of housing, but also to spend time with him to find a wife named Zhuang Xiaohua, help the elderly, the next home. Sister a warm, deeply moved by the elderly, he offered, his many years in Taiwan, but also she saved some of their savings, anyway, his sister also loved this one, and took them out after you use it! Who knows, this proposal should be a good thing, but it became contradictory siblings fuse. Said the old man brought back from Taiwan, gold bars and sister there, who knows old sister in the next day for the move to split the gold bars, old people very unhappy. he is basically satisfied with his relatives, he did not like those of his relatives home. , and the elderly living alone are particularly at once.

think Jiang Jing: able to open cabinets; there, land that the elderly can be more security around this little suspicious, so the land can be immediately called the police. Under the police witness in the community, think Jiang Jing finally opened the cabinet, after inventory, closet in addition to 100,000 yuan worth of treasury bonds, the book is that few of the elderly, can book either take the money on empty, or only the next fraction, more surprisingly, there is also written two books is the name of Jiang Jing thought, one of the above actually has more than 10 million deposit.

Although the legal formalities could not accomplishing, but still it became a friend of two of the stories. Jiang said the King thought the old man took him a special name, name is Sun to Jun. play after that,[url=http://www.drdreheadphonesonline.org/]Beats Headphones[/url], they match to Ye Sun, to live together. Over time, the elderly deeply sinking, it intends to River in the future thinking for the King to leave something to protect life.

think Jiang Jing: I will not disappoint you, then, I tell you what happened afterwards is also arranged for me after the death of your life, I also have to consider. old ideas. but our restrictions, due to cumbersome procedures, to the final adoption of this still did not run formal procedures.

uncompromising storm from

last March 4, that is, Sun Ruilin old man died that night, landing the first time I saw a King can think Jiang. That night, land can suddenly received a phone call, said his uncle's home in Chengdu, unfortunately, died. Land very surprised to get this information, contact quickly in the other three brothers and sisters in Chengdu, the night went to elderly people. On the road, they but received a phone call, the caller told them not to worry over the first, that the elderly's funeral will be proper disposal of the phone so that land can be kind of foreboding. This person will be?

Jing Jiang has been carefully thought
Sun Ruilin elderly and care for the elderly sister of the photo
Sports Network (Chutianjinbao) Abstract: Taiwan's elderly Sun Ruilin roots, moved from Taipei to Chengdu later years of life. In March 2008, 84-year-old Sun Ruilin tragic death of the elderly, the elderly will live in the property during his lifetime by the notary in the form of wills, bequeathed to the area where the river once Paul Anjing Si, not only that, old books during his lifetime on the $ 14 million deposits, also dump the King thought the name of river. The beginning of a social security Why young elderly actually been a large deposit, the elderly a moment of weakness in his later years, after the vicissitudes of things to do or see the helplessness of choice?

think Jiang said, according to King, the source of all this, probably in 2003 that he received a call late at night.

land can be:

gatekeeper Luo community by asking her mother, Lu can line personnel know to inform them of the death of the elderly is the community news staff, and called to tell them not to come, but it is a river called the King thought the young man. Jing Jiang had previously thought the security community, and later on has been living in the elderly, the elderly and the elderly died when together.

Sun Ruilin years ago moved to Taiwan from the Anhui Province, alone had no children. In 1988, the elderly feel lonely at dusk,[url=http://www.drdreheadphonesonline.org/]Beats Headphones[/url], they alone defected from Taipei to Chengdu sister Sun Jing Xia, and soon settled in Chengdu, March 4 last year, the tragic death of the elderly, the nephew of land which the elderly can feel very sad. Spend time with his family in the land for the elderly, care of the funeral, when the mouth, no reason to smoke a river called the King thought of young people claiming to be the grandson of the elderly, which makes land to the origins of the River King thought very much doubt.

2008 In March, a funeral home in Chengdu,[url=http://www.drdreheadphonesonline.org/]Beats Headphones[/url], Sichuan, crying one, many friends and family friend bid farewell to a man named Sun Ruilin in the elderly. While many people immersed in profound grief, when mourning came to offer condolences out to a young man. Elderly relatives can not only failed to thank the young people who come to offer condolences, or simply do not let this young man into the hall. The instrument allows angered the young man came, he became agitated and kept saying that he is the grandson of the elderly. This time even the families of the elderly is not happy to know that Sun Ruilin life had no children, the elderly, but where's the grandson of it?

bizarre will provoke controversy

think Jiang Jing: people, their loved ones on their own so well, and later because of his indifference to his loved ones have, in the end became a loner, lost faith in life. talk loneliness, which makes Sun Ruilin again felt the warmth of old, King thought he was particularly close to Jiang. to the later, Sun Ruilin simply to the community for the elderly: King want to think long-term living in the river after his house to take care of his life. < / p>

think Jiang Jing: Grandpa went home. cooking, cooking, and money to send him to school haircut. think Jiang Jing most grateful that in 2004 King thought his father had a car accident river, the elderly immediately come up with 1000 dollars, let the night take a taxi back to his home, met his father one last time. With the gradual deepening of the two feelings, Sun Ruilin old has a new idea, thought he would like to adopt King River when the grandchildren.

in this notarized wills written on, Sun Ruilin agreed after the death of the elderly, He lived in this house will be bequeathed to the King thought the river. House with hundreds of thousands of deposits, according to Jiang, saying King thought, Sun Ruilin elderly people are a gift to him. It is said that although no children, the elderly, but he also has a biological sister, after all, around the home as well as land to this nephew, how the elderly will total hundreds of thousands of heritage value, be presented to a no blood relationship young people do? Sun Ruilin think the elderly and the King River, between what happened then?

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land to: . keep the elderly property. Jiang said the money respectable thought was really old, but old people have the money gift to him. May be able to view the land, the security and non-pro-uncle Sun Ruilin non Therefore, the elderly, how could own more than ten million of savings to give him? Jing Jiang thinking in order to prove his claim, but also come up with a Sun Ruilin old testament before his death, the land will be able to see other people do not already, one is surprised to see that they simply could not believe my eyes ... ...

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