
Health weight loss eating into fairy - tofu practice patterns

1. Mapo tofu


200 grams of tofu, beef, 100 grams, 15 grams garlic, bean paste 20 grams, peppercorns 10 grams, ginger 5 grams soy sauce 10 grams sugar, 5 grams, broth (or water) 150 grams of oil 75 grams.


1, tofu cut into 2 cm square pieces, add a pinch of salt into the boiling water, boil about to remove the beany flavor, remove with water Soak

2, the 10 g peppercorns into the Griddle in saute (do not put the oil pan), pressed into powder back

3, adding a little diced beef, wine, soy sauce, pepper and mix, marinated for 15 minutes, the pot when you add a little dry starch grasp uniform

4, minced bean paste, garlic, ginger, finely chopped

5, fried hot wok, put oil, add beef, ground beef fried until golden brown, add bean paste and fry

6, add ginger, soy sauce, chili powder, marked Stir, then add broth (or water) 100 grams of tofu into the burn 3 minutes.

7, pan, add pepper and stir fry, sprinkled with green garlic

PS: pepper and saute in the pan after their own pressed into powder, so of pepper powder, more than the rich aroma bought.

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2. tofu box

ingredients: a box of tofu, corn, carrots, peas, of bacon, crab meat.


1, bean curd with a knife excavation hole, first hole to draw the outline of a knife, spoon or teaspoon and then hollowed out inside steam tofu then 15 - about 20 minutes;

2, bacon, crab meat, chopped, ready corn, green beans and carrots;

3, the first pot bacon explosion, so its oil alive again when crab meat;

4, and then into the corn, green beans and carrots, uniform pocket, point into the salt, black pepper and a little wine, the ability to turn even so, inside the material made of tofu the.

5, then the above material has been placed inside the steamed bean curd. Fried rice will do the rest of the material.

original address: http://home.meishichina.com/space-20449-do-blog-id-39898.html

3. Private sauce tofu

ingredients: tofu, carrots, onions, green peppers, mushrooms, ham, tomato sauce, oyster sauce, salt, chicken, black pepper.


1, soaked mushrooms, and ham, onions, green peppers, carrots are diced.

2, tofu, fried golden on both sides

3, add onion, mushrooms, ham, carrots, causal.

4, watered, salt, black pepper. Boil

5, add tofu, the fire to boil a small fire stew tofu tasty, about three minutes.

6, tofu filled out.

7, the remaining sauce thicken, add green pepper and fry off students, put some chicken sesame oil can Titian. Pour in the tofu.

original address: http://home.meishichina.com/space-84674-do-blog-id-186400.html

4 preserved eggs, tofu

ingredients: egg, tofu, scallions at the end, garlic, tomato skin, peas, carrots, corn, salt, vinegar, pepper, sugar , chicken, sesame oil.


1, scalded with boiling water 2 preserved eggs peel better, tofu buckle up, and to make a flat rectangle, divided into five equal parts. The remaining debris minced tofu and preserved egg yellow with a little salt and mix well spare. 3, each petal shape tofu are marble, five put together. Preserved eggs, a cut four, and the remaining three into my mouth. In preserved egg yolk broken into tofu. 4, all the spices and mix thoroughly, add green onion, garlic stir spare, you can look a little heated, chicken, or monosodium glutamate to facilitate melting. 5, filter juice can be poured on the preserved eggs.
original address: http://home.meishichina.com/space-84674-do-blog-id-148792.html

5. fresh red curry shrimp, tofu

material: North tofu 500 grams, 150 grams shrimp, mushrooms, 2 large flower, onion, cooked peas amount, 2 tablespoons Thai red curry paste, garlic the end of milk, 250 grams, salt, starch, a little water, some water.
1, tofu cut into one inch square piece of thick, remove the shrimp head to the sand line, leaving the end open the back shell, shredded onion, sliced ​​mushrooms, finely chopped 2 garlic, oil burning pot hot, blow into the head of the prawn shrimp sauce, remove the head of the prawn. Then add onion, garlic, mushrooms, stir-fry flavor 3, put 2 tablespoons red curry paste and stir-fry evenly 4, into 250 grams of milk, plus the amount of open water to simmer for 5, the soup boil later add shrimp and cook 6 to the color red, then into chunks 7, so that all the melt in the tofu soup, add a little salt, simmer for 8 to open, boil thrown into the cooked peas, Drizzle a little water starch can thicken.
original address: http://home.meishichina.com/space-37033-do-blog-id-134868.html

6, raw shrimp tofu soup

: shrimp 250 grams, 500 grams soft tofu, egg white 1, the amount of sweet corn kernels, red peppers and a little grain, salt, allspice, chicken, wet starch, onion.
practice: 1, raw materials ready, cleaned shrimp to remove the sand line, choice of soft tofu tofu 2, labeled as mud shrimp into the blender, add tofu to play with a few seconds to 3, into the mud shrimp tofu pot, add 1 egg white, a little salt and a little allspice and stir evenly 4, into the warm pot, shrimp and tofu with a teaspoon to dig the mud into the water, the action should be gentle 5, shrimp, tofu balls made of clay, after all, open low heat 6 to a slight boil, add corn kernels, red pepper grain, onion, add a little salt and chicken seasoning, thicken with wet starch last 7 until the soup into a soup-like off the fire.
original address: http://home.meishichina.com/space-37033-do-blog-id-188856.html


iron Japanese tofu

ingredients: Japanese tofu, green and red peppers, one each, a little onion, two eggs, tomato sauce, sweet chili sauce, salt, chicken.


1, Japanese tofu and cut into sections

2, dip starch (to find a bigger bowl, put tofu into them, bowl covered with rock on Do not hand-rolling, easy to break)

3, wok fried golden.

4, red pepper and green onions chopped back

5, eggs spread into a pancake back (on heating with the iron, then iron, eggs can play in the above)

6, a little oil saute green pepper and red onion

7, into the tomato sauce and sweet chili sauce, salt seasoning

8, a little bit of hydration against the open sauce, put the chicken off the fire

9, tofu into, turn evenly.

original address: http://home.meishichina.com/space-84674-do-blog-id-136156.html

8. Sands tofu

material: soft tofu, fresh fish, salted duck eggs, green peppers, onion, oil, salt, starch.

1, prepared ingredients.
2, fish peeled and cut into pellets.
3, green peppers, scallions washed, cut small grain.
4, salted duck eggs stripped shell, leaving the yolk. Sift into the egg yolk and dried form.
5, washed with water look soft tofu, cut below the skin; slice into 9.
6, slice tofu, was placed in a triangle plate.
7, gracefully into the water pot of tofu, steamed for 5 minutes.
8, cut meat with a little salt, starch, marinated for a while.
9, pot heat the oil, the next salted egg yolk, fried into a sand-like.
10, down into the fish, grain, turn and stir well; fish can be wrapped in egg yolk.
11, wrapped the fish egg yolk particles, on the tofu.
12, pour the remaining egg yolk in the tofu. Sprinkle with green peppers, onion embellishment.
original address: http://home.meishichina.com/space-191676-do-blog-id-143768.html


raw tomato curd : South tofu, tomatoes, shrimp 50 grams (I replaced this with minced meat), cooking wine and salt and a little pickled shrimp, tomato sauce, sugar, soy sauce, salt, chicken.
1, tofu cut into small pieces fry until golden pan back; 2 Heat the pan, saute the minced meat into; 3, put the tomatoes and tomato sauce, stir well; 4, add soy sauce,, a little sugar, salt and chicken, stir well; 5, tofu into Jianhao; 6, stir well, till a thick soup can, sprinkle some chopped green onion to the pan before or parsley.
original address: http://home.meishichina.com/space-54288-do-blog-id-82626.html

10. Kung Pao tofu

materials :

North tofu 500 grams (Laodou Fu), fried peanuts 100 grams, 1 each green peppers, onion ginger at the end, pepper, Pi bean paste, soy sauce, cooking wine,[url=http://www.buy-ugg.us/][b]title=UGG Outlet Store[/b][/url], sugar, water, starch, oil, salt, chicken.


1, to prepare materials. Lao Doufu diced green peppers clean cuts, peanut oil Zhashu stand.

2, Guo Lifang oil pan, add chunks and deep fry golden.

3, green peppers also block the oil into the pan with the fish after the oil and tofu.

4, the original pot stay in base oil pan, remove the next peppercorns until fragrant pepper do not, then add the garlic, ginger, Pi bean paste and saute.

5, pre-tuned into the sauce and stir well (green onion, ginger, soy sauce, cooking wine, sugar, water, starch, salt, chicken).

6, into the tofu, green peppers, peanuts stir evenly.

original address: http://home.meishichina.com/space-212369-do-blog-id-184299.html

11. tofu balls

ingredients: big tofu, egg 2, half a carrot, mushrooms, 3, coriander amount, a treasure soup, salt, chicken, sesame oil, water corn starch, parsley amount.


1, all the ingredients 2 large tofu into cubes, boil for a moment into boiling water to remove the beany flavor 3, remove and control of water, rolling with a knife blade into the tofu mud 4 , tofu hold up the mud with gauze, 5 out of water, squeezed water into the bowl of tofu mud 6, carrots, mushrooms and cut into fine
7, carrot at the end, mushrooms and tofu clay added to the end, add salt, chicken, and stir 8, into two even with the clutch 9 egg, tofu balls made of a spare 10 months, plus San Taiwan pot boil water and put it into a soup treasure slowly-opening 11 and do the tofu into the soup slowly in 12 balls, small fire boil for 2 minutes, the last hook thin gravy, a few drops of sesame oil
original address: http://home.meishichina.com/space-37033 -do-blog-id-130040.html

12. cushions Lao Doufu

materials: pineapple, tofu, onions, ginger, tomato sauce, soy sauce, vegetable oil, salt, vinegar, water, starch, soft white sugar. Practice: 1, the tofu and cut into small pieces of pineapple (pineapple with salt water soak it with about thirty minutes), onion chopped; tomato sauce, vinegar, soy sauce, a pinch of salt, sugar, add water and turned into material reserve juice. 2, the chunks in the boiling water, remove and drain water; 3, Guo Lifang vegetable oil heat, fry, fried tofu, fry until golden all sides; 4, dishing out tofu, pineapple pieces until golden wash with water drain backup, (like dessert, you can re-soak in sugar water will be) 5, again,[url=http://www.bootsugg.us/][b]title=UGG Boots Clearance[/b][/url], put vegetable oil wok, saute the onion, pour a good tune feed juice, do not remove the ginger pieces; 6 , simmer until boiling material into the pineapple juice and chunks of tofu, stir fry or two, water, starch can thicken. Related articles:

