
Middle school study skills and methods (parents reading )

middle school study skills

one: prep is an important part of learning

spare some time to listen, to attend to think, the fundamental reason is not fully preview. Preview tiring - some, but was able to readily exchange for species with a sense of freedom. Full rehearsal before class, full review before the exam, and Preview effect, lectures can be targeted; lectures targeted, review can proceed smoothly; review profound, assignments, examinations can be handy; usual homework, exam handy, you can successfully pass the college entrance examination. So preparation is the process of learning an essential part.

to assist students to do prep, prep special summarized ten kinds of high notes for the students as a reference:

(1) to classify prep

prep time and content from can be divided into three categories: - a preview, and second stage of preparation, third semester prep. Preview, that is, under the new preview - class content; stages of preparation, is to use longer, more time to prep - chapter or chapters; term rehearsal is a rehearsal in the next semester holidays the content. These three prep is not isolated, but interrelated, each student should learn to consciously arrange free time and classification preview.

referred to here is the preview of prep time. Preview the day homework is best done after the scheduled time remaining, according to the amount of time to determine the depth and breadth of content preview. Of course, you can also arrange other extra-curricular time in rehearsal. In the very tight situation, seize the time immediately before the class a few minutes to talk about the text quickly here again, much better than that is not a rehearsal.

(3) quickly browse courses

rehearsal, the first to preview the contents of the QuickView - times, know what to make own new courses, new courses in the initial know what is - could be easily understood and which are not read, and then with these issues read a second time.

(4) read the second time with a problem

through the first - over the new text of quick, their content of courses has been a preliminary understanding, and with the problems found while browsing the first pass, carefully read the second time. Read second time, the speed to slow down some, while we read, while thinking and understanding, experience does not understand where to stop to think again, do not know the vocabulary, to immediately check the books out to understand, really do not understand the problem, put it down to the classroom, gifted students go solution.

(5) to take notes while reading

time to read the second time is the time to take notes. There are two prep notes: - species is recorded in the book, and the other - species is recorded in the book. Take notes in the book is read side, while the space in the book or the content outlined under punctuate or endorsement; take notes in a notebook that is - while we read, while the focus and understand the contents of the record in this outline on.

(6) to identify priorities and doubts

prep, - set the focus and content of courses should doubt find out, then focus and doubt into the classroom up. Classroom,[url=http://www.ugg-onlineoutlet.com/][b]title=UGG Online Outlet[/b][/url], a teacher talked about the focus and find their own doubts, we must carefully while listening to, while thinking, listening to the teacher to explain the idea. The teacher explained, some problems still do not understand, we should seize the time and opportunity to ask questions to the teacher until the preview figure out so far to find the doubt.

(7) a combination of reading and to find information

in prep reading process, do not know the vocabulary, do not understand the words and understand the contents, they should immediately look up dictionaries and other reference materials, the vocabulary, phonetic words in the book, notes.

(8) to think that the problem

prep the key to success is the ability to think independently, identify problems, ask questions. Prep first thought, after the check information; first identify problems, ask questions later; first to see the meaning, then do notes.

(9) do not fully prep

prep, do not - erupted in full swing, full preview is unrealistic, one time difficult to guarantee, the second is difficult to guarantee energy and the third is difficult to guarantee quality. Find it hard to preview first to choose their own content first rehearsal, time is tight, the first to identify new vocabulary and lists do not understand, time is more urgent, quick lesson on the first reading - all over.

(10) different subjects in different ways

prep time, not one thousand - law, different disciplines use different methods to prep, grasping different points. For example, science prep time, we should focus on the mathematical theorems, laws, formulas, concepts and principle; prep liberal arts focus on the exclusion of new vocabulary, the central idea, paragraph to the effect, and writing style.

In addition, pay special attention to two points, one ahead of prep is not equivalent to learning, with its direct purpose is to prepare groundwork for efficient and lectures, so do not spend a lot of energy to completely clear all the time, many students trying to raise into rehearsal habits are often the beginning of such a situation, even overwhelmed quickly give up. Second, the main front in learning in the classroom lectures, and must not because the preview of the class have some knowledge about the complacent, loose heart slack, or else goes with the forest for the trees.

II: an effective method of lectures

teacher is an experienced preacher, the knowledge of the context, the question is very difficult to clear, relatively speaking the contents of the system. Therefore, the class focus on lectures, is a shortcut to knowledge.

listen, the thinking must be consistent with the idea of ​​the teacher to explain, to listen to the teacher how the analysis of things, reasoning; listening to the teacher to solve the problem is the method used techniques; listen to what teachers ask questions and explain the problem. So as to grasp the lectures focus.

listen in, make yourself understood in the preview, and the teacher to explain the comparison, and teachers to see their similarities and differences between what points. Through this comparison, - is to deepen the understanding of texts; second is to strengthen their thinking, understanding and improved; Third, can find themselves in the cause of the error in the preview.

the process of listening is always accompanied by a thought. Listen do not think it is silly to listen, think not only listen, that is to take God. Listen thinking combined, simultaneously, be called will listen. Hear and think fit, think it has been confirmed; hear and think of the contradiction, we must listen to what happens further, find out in the end why. Thinking and not, did not understand, can not easily let go.

learn in the course of lectures recorded. Listen with the ear, thinking with the brain, and mind will have hands-on. Rational use of laptop, notebook has three roles: - do prep record lectures with a clear purpose; the second is used to write down in the classroom is the teacher to explain the whole idea of ​​the style or writing on the blackboard, in order to facilitate the knowledge to grasp the overall structure or knowledge points; third is beneficial after-school summary, it points to the content of the lectures, after-school analysis of strand finishing, in order to digest, absorb and consolidate the knowledge learned, and left for future review - copies of complete information.

ask someone to keep in mind: classroom just 45 minutes, the teacher can not and do not need to know about all the problems, he can only say - some of the most important and most essential part of many small specific questions need to be students the next class themselves. The main purpose of the teacher lectures is to guide the students themselves to learn, the students only through their own independent solution to the problem

three: reasonable arrangements for review time

many scientists found that there are several time periods will help to consolidate memories. One study after the first few minutes, the electrical activity caused by protein synthesis; second is to learn within 48 hours after the review; third week after the occurrence of permanent changes in brain synapses. According to people in the learning process of the physiological changes, the use of review to enhance memory is especially important.

If we can forget about learning the content, when to review,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/][b]title=Dr Dre Headphones[/b][/url], then review the best, the highest efficiency. Famous psychologist Ebbinghaus discovered through experiments and forgotten the law of human memory. Experiments show that: in the study had only 20 minutes, you forget the memory content of 42% after 1 day to forget the amount has reached 66%, to the first 31 days, forget the amount of up to 79%. According to the results of his experiments, painting became famous forgetting curve. And forget the law that is This law reminds us that - given the need for early and timely review of what they have learned so knowledge is still better when the mark within the brain, or brain, there is little trace, and energy costs can only be re-learn.

reasonable arrangements particularly important time to review and, if necessary, review the development plan, strictly according to plan implementation, and strive to form a habit, is that every student should strive to achieve.

concrete can be divided into six steps:

concrete can be divided into six steps:

first - step: take 2-5 minutes after school,

Step two: 15-20 minute lunch break time to use what they learn all the morning,

third step: the time scheduled for the afternoon of outdoor activities, rest, adjusting the psychological and mental state.

Step: Review the evening, to arrange a time to learn the content and the information stored in the brain compared to identify the deviations and errors.

Part V: at night before going to sleep again,

Step six: two weeks after the review would allow the occurrence of permanent changes in brain synapses.

four: the scientific method homework

students in school, homework is an important part of learning the system and link it to consolidate and digest the results of the classroom,[url=http://www.moncler-online.us][b]title=moncler coats[/b][/url], training and exercises to learn to think, analyze problems and problem-solving skills are very important. To assist students to do the job, the following summarized the eight kinds of homework skills, for students as a reference:

1, to improve the understanding of homework

homework for students to consolidate knowledge, digest knowledge, understanding, knowledge and mastery of important knowledge and memory means and ways, is to train students to think and exercise ability, analytical ability to determine and numeracy and problem-solving ability in important ways. Homework can not be treated properly, will not have the desired learning outcomes.

2, after the first review homework

review the key is to do the job, and only review well, the job can be done well. Homework before the first lesson the teacher talked about the contents of this serious look, and then figure out the basic principles and concepts to do the job, the job can be done fast and good.

3, carefully scrutinize the title

homework most critical - step is to examine the topic, even the wrong questions are to determine the job content is all wrong. First, the first - step to clarify the content of the subject, given the conditions, requirements, what knowledge you need to contact, etc.; second is to consider a good problem-solving ideas, methods and procedures, to be good - Road questions divided into several parts, large-scale for small, easy to cook a meal, to distinguish among the known and unknown, to understand the various parts of the contact, designed the entire problem-solving steps - set to make their own do not understand the meaning of the questions do not do problems, do not know the steps do not write method .

4, careful to do problem

problem is to express the idea of ​​doing the whole process, this process requires both mental and physical, and hands. The key issues to do is to ensure that the To achieve these two requires students to carefully copy a good question, write the format must be correct, standardized, problem-solving in strict accordance with the requirements of various types of questions, each carefully calculus problem solving - steps, reach the right result. Only problem usually do careful, complete the steps, ideas, correct, express tight, accurate examination can be carried out in accordance with this good habit.

5, to carefully check the operation

finish the job after careful examination, is an important means to ensure the quality of the job. In the operation of the process, due to various reasons, there will inevitably be a variety of loopholes and problems, so the job done, the - set to pay up after careful examination, thus avoiding errors and missing operations forgot . Check the job - like four points for: - is to check whether the copy of the subject; the second is whether the right of moderation; third operation is correct? Fourth, methods, ideas and procedures are correct. Usually done to carefully check the problem, habit, so can only exam.

6, thought to be patient after the operation done

job is complete, - set to be patient and re-thinking - all over, think about doing, for this job title with which concepts, principles, formulas, and examples This question has anything to do, and what problems there are ties, What are the characteristics, rules can be found, a little change in what can become a problem, whether there are other problem-solving methods, and so on. In order to learn the mastery of knowledge, to master the system, by analogy, and the purpose of replication.

7, after correcting a careful analysis of the operation

teacher correcting hair came back, - be read as soon as possible, careful analysis and patient reflection. Done on the subject of, like - like what is used and methods of thinking to do right, after experiencing a similar problem can not comprehend by analogy; on the wrong questions, to find out the wrong reasons. Is due to panic, sloppy, careless and wrong, or not mastered the basics, mistaken concepts, laws, formulas, or is thinking right? The first reason is, we should issue a warning when doing their own after careful; belong to the second reason, it is necessary in the preparation, review lectures and work hard to firmly grasp the knowledge and then to do the job; is finally a reason who, we must conscientiously study and analysis of examples, a clear problem-solving methods. Only after analysis of reflection, in order to learn lessons to avoid future similar errors.

8, get rid of the habit of procrastination work

some fun and procrastination because students work; some students are not interested in learning and excessively bureaucratic operations; some students to complete the job because of capacity constraints and procrastination have difficulty operating. No matter what circumstances are, the job can not develop the habit of procrastination. The day of completion of the study day, and tomorrow there is a tomorrow of learning tasks, difficulties will be cumulative. Overcome procrastination operation the most effective way is to urge the requirements of his day every day, the day after finishing things.

five: the accumulation of great importance to the wrong question

in the learning process, students may encounter the phenomenon of same mistake again. The reason is because most superficial understanding in the study, accumulation due to not pay attention to sum up. So, how do? Practice has proved that self an


After years of teaching practice, we found that: If the students usually pay attention to this part of the study, sum up the pros and cons of learning plays an important role. Especially the third year review period, a lot of practice, the sea vast, all done if you want to practice all the review again, a time allowed, two eyebrows and a beard grabbed of focus. If you do have an when learning of the school, why should we worry can not avoid the mistakes of the phenomenon over and over again? In the end Linkao review, you will find that this is definitely one of their own only valuable information.

coincidence. According to many admitted to Peking University, Tsinghua University and other colleges and universities focus on top students who said they Entrance Exam one of the most important key to success that is the establishment of such a the usual review, practice, test, model exams and easy to make mistakes, the proposition is novel, practical exercises and a typical strong problem-solving ideas, but also covers a large number of classes studied under various champion inside and outside the counseling information collected during the press of the classic the subject. This Because of this, many top students are more effective in the Entrance Exam, benefit and avoid a lot of detours and return, thus greatly improving the utilization of information and review results, and then took first place in the entrance.

wrong title of the review methods:

1, the wrong question of the week every week to record the subject of this quick again;

2, the wrong question of the month every month to record the title again this quick again;

3, each quarter the wrong title in the subject of re-recorded three quick again;

4, big exam to the wrong title in the subject of careful review of all again, to ensure that problems Fuji wrong.
; sun finishing production


sun I wish you

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