
UGGS Clearancein the internationalization of education today

in the internationalization of education today, we are very concerned about their quality of education received by children in the world rankings exactly at what position? And the most advanced education model how far?

a globally recognized authority indicator is the International Student assessment (PISA). In a recent PISA2009 test,[url=http://www.uggclearanceuks.com/]UGG Clearance[/url], for the first time in Shanghai test students in reading, mathematics and science literacy won the first three, shocked the world. In fact, in 2009, China has 11 provinces and regions as a pilot test, including Zhejiang, Beijing,[url=http://www.uggclearanceau.com/]UGGS Clearance[/url], Tianjin, Jiangsu and so on. China test measuring research co-ordination by the Ministry of Education Examination Center, collected from 11 provinces 621 schools, 21,003 students as samples,[url=http://www.uggoutletmallonline.com/]UGG Outlet[/url], Zhejiang Province more than 1,800 15-year-old student pilot test work organization and implementation of the provincial Education Examination. Last night, the first published trial test results, Zhejiang, Zhejiang students in reading, math and science scores are in the national pilot areas (except outside of Shanghai) in the first. Second in the world in math and science literacy, reading literacy sixth in the world.

to participate in the testing of students in Zhejiang,[url=http://www.bootsugg.us/]UGG Boots Sale[/url], 15-year-old from 59 schools, more than 1,800, of which 80% came from rural schools. Hangzhou sampling tests of the schools included: Fairview Middle School, Hangzhou XI, the source of the Qing school, Yuhang District, Hangzhou, two experimental schools in the blue tree, Tangxi School, Xiaoshan eleventh school, junior high Puyang Town, Xiaoshan Yi farm town junior high folder stoves, etc., are third-year students take the test and high school students. Ningbo, three of the girls Yujing Na is one of them. She feels very fresh, that the PISA test questions with their lives, unlike the usual exam test atmosphere so guarded, as well as a few minutes of rest time between test,[url=http://www.ugg-onlineoutlet.com/]ugg outlet online[/url], allowing them eyes closed, think carefully about what you just answer right or wrong, this is usually never seen before examination. Reporters learned that the International Student evaluation form with pencil and paper tests measure students' reading, math and science ability of these three areas, students need to complete a report on their background and attitude questionnaire.

According to Zhejiang International Student evaluation of the project team leader, from the evaluation results, Zhejiang test measured students' math and science in the boys performed significantly better than girls, girls performed significantly better than the reading area boys . Students in urban areas of reading, math and science scores were significantly higher than students in district towns and rural areas, towns and rural students are better students.

Examination Center of Ministry of Education to provide an analysis report, the pilot in China, 11 regions, Zhejiang lightest burden of student learning, interest in learning the most concentrated. In the evaluation also found that student interest in reading for a variety of magazines, comic books, newspapers, fiction and non-fiction text, the smaller the frequency, the frequency of students reading electronic text less, about 55% of students do not know or almost did not go through the relevant text electronic reading. Zhang Xi, Ningbo, three in as President some questions refer to the PISA after realized that the future of educational reform, students must be

Such as reasonable adjustments to the burden of teaching time and students, promote student diversity and frequency of reading, the educational qualifications of teachers, teachers' professional structure optimization, reducing the background variables for students to bring the educational inequality, enhance the overall school equity and efficiency.

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