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vbvb.jpg (36.39K) T12E4OXa4kXXbytv_X_ 114919_jpg_310x310.jpg (36.50K) mjh.jpg (27.50K) In this large family apparel, shoes are an alternative family. In function, the shoes seem to almost all the same with other clothing, naked in the cold for people to decorate but also people's instrument. In addition, the shoes still keep feet shoulder the mission of protecting the foot. Clothing, hats, scarves, hair, neckties and other clothing, use only the existence of appropriate and inappropriate questions,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/2011-monster-headphones-c-8.html]Monster Headphones[/url], there is no serious problem even if inappropriate, at best unsightly it. The shoe is not so simple, wearing inappropriate touches small, the resulting negative effects are often large, ranging from walking you uncomfortable, let your delicate feet Pipoxueliu, weight is very difficult for you even move an inch, and some even will affect your health, and even related to you and others risk their lives so mysterious? This is not a trick, you noticed that a person is a newspaper published on the heels of shoes worn business court do? Do not you see a great impact for some time before the Shenzhen Report: 4,300 million people wearing inappropriate shoes exercise injuries, and treatment of losses due to loss of working time of up to $ 3.5 billion. In the just-concluded China International Footwear Fair, more than one expert mentioned, modern shoes, pay attention to appearance, not talking about science, resulting in skin diseases, flat feet, hallux valgus and other diseases increased year by year. According to the China Leather and Footwear Industry Research Institute survey, the incidence of foot disease, younger age, a boy of about 30% of the country, about 25% of girls suffer from flat feet, high-fat concentrated in the 6-11 years and 12-17 years old. Apart from a few foot disease is a congenital malformation, the majority are caused by shoes, the National People's Congress are substandard due to his foot wearing a shoe, resulting in a variety of foot diseases. Experts believe that with the Chinese shoes and foot health and development of the relationship between lack of knowledge, very few pay attention to science and shoes on. Anatomy of medicine that a total of 206 human bones, only accounted for 52 feet, there are 66 joints, 40 muscles and 200 ligaments.人体各器官 in the foot there is a reflex zones corresponding to the respective fixed, located in the soles of the feet, on both sides of the foot, instep and ankle, etc.. Body parts of the lesions, the corresponding position in the foot on the reflected part of the foot deformity or distortion, and cause abnormal circulatory system, the corresponding parts of the body caused by disease. Foot disorders affect not only support the weight, walking and exercise, and would have a brain, spine, circulatory system, digestive system and other development impact. In a lot of foot disease in the so-called flat feet, arch collapse, the highest incidence. Experts estimated that only one kind of flat feet foot disease, the total population of China alone, more than 1 / 3 of patients. Human beings are the only animals arch, the arch of the function is carrying the body weight, to maintain the road, exercise flexibility, shock absorption, protecting the brain, spine and chest, abdominal and other organs, is considered the body's shock device. If the arch collapses, it will cause pronation, the muscles, ligaments elasticity; legs and feet susceptible to fatigue, heaviness, or pain; jumping ability is poor, especially for dance, sports and other activities, a greater impact. Plantar arch collapse will make the blood vessels and nerves are oppressed, so that the foot produces numbness, pain. In adult patients with flat feet, easy to induce traumatic arthritis, lumbar muscle strain, osteoarthritis and other diseases. Ichiro Japanese experts believe Pyeongtaek, flat arch is the cost of human civilization. Second, these shoes all the above errors disorders are often caused by an irrational and unscientific because the shoes. According to the China Leather and Footwear Industry Research Institute senior engineer Li Qiu introduced, shoes do not speak of science, there are major errors in the following areas: Misunderstanding: Children's long-term wear sneakers. Myth: older people love to wear soft-soled shoes with no. Myth: Young women wearing high heels, pointed shoes. Myth: Massage wearing shoes, health shoes, regardless of time and circumstances. Myth: barefoot shoes ... these are our common phenomenon, the phenomenon in which there are accustomed to a lot of problems. Many parents believe that wearing shoes is very healthy, so that children wear shoes all day. However, due to the use of synthetic leather and shoes more than the second floor is made of poor ventilation. Children's activities, large, easy to make shoes often in hot and humid condition for the propagation of bacteria and create the right environment, and lead to foot odor, but also vulnerable to athlete's foot, ringworm and other skin diseases, and even lead to flat feet. Elderly foot muscles, ligaments change aging occurs, flexibility decreases, the load capacity decreased. Wear soft-soled shoes, fatigue, easy to sprain. Another elderly heel fat reduction, the focus moved back foot, wearing no heels can lead to ankle injury and chronic fatigue, loss of flexibility to speed up the arch. Elderly and children are more sensitive skin, if barefoot shoes, shoe materials, adhesives, coating agents will stimulate the skin, causing disease. Data show that young women, especially pregnant women, not long-term wear shoes with more than 3 cm shoes, will cause the body center of gravity forward, lumbar lordosis, pelvic tilt increased, smaller diameter, resulting in fertility problems. Massage shoes, health shoes by stimulating the soles of the feet, enhancing blood circulation. But time 20 to 30 minutes is appropriate, too long, it will cause dysfunction. Bleeding, tuberculosis, renal failure, hepatic necrosis, massage, people should not wear shoes, health shoes, women during menstruation, pregnancy also. Third, the shoes have stress 1, experts suggest that children wear shoes with stress, due to a child with a foot bones not yet fully calcified shape, delicate tender ankle, poor stability, easy sweating feet and other physiological characteristics, should choose a good air permeability, moisture absorption of soft leather, sheepskin lace-like footwear; toe to broad, thick, stiff, after helping to avoid the collision of the extrusion and toes, shoes should not be too large or too small, typically better than 1 cm feet . Children grow fast enough to charge, not stereotypes, 6 years of age should be about 3 months changing his code once. 2, children shoes, pay attention to children, especially preschoolers, are at an important period of growth and development, the body's various organs were not mature, bone elastic deformation. If the shoe is too small, the child will feel the feet. If the shoe is too large, running up and not Genjiao, very easy to fall, but also prone to rub injury. Another non-slip soles better, tendon end is the best choice. The heel to 0.6 to 1.5 cm is appropriate. Other children may be about eight months changing his code once. 3, old shoes and pay attention to the elderly has its own physical characteristics, most of all there are varying degrees of poor blood flow, the day will change the size of the foot, in addition, many older people have foot fatigue, balance function not as young people. Therefore, the elderly should focus on selected shoes, comfort and safety, pay attention to Six options: First, choose a good elasticity and permeability of the shoes; second is to choose upper soft, lightweight shoes; third is to choose a good bending performance upper, slightly higher after the shoes to help; Fourth, choose the former warehouse wide shoes, shoes, toe and leading edge should be 1.5-2 cm intervals; five soles of shoes to choose should not be too thick, usually 5 mm or less; six is ​​selected insole, sole pads must be presented within scaphoid. Soles of the former warehouse to be slightly upturned, height of 1-1.5 cm. Three bogey: a bogey to wear the shoes have been damaged or deformed, so as not to aggravate existing foot problems or foot fatigue, resulting in damage to the ankle; two former warehouse avoid wearing narrow shoes; three bogey choose loafers and shoes without buckles , these shoes are generally more tight, difficult to adapt to the foot swelling during the day became clear. Three symptomatic: One hand can not tie them to lose flexibility, the elderly, should pay attention to choose the shoes I have elastic shoes, the shoes should also purchase longer pull, so that older people do not bend over to pull on the heel ; the second is a painful foot injury in the elderly, the best custom shoes, shoes with a special polyethylene foam plastic plugs can reduce pain, to avoid damage increased; Third, there is heel spur the elderly, can be equipped with sufficient heel insoles are empty, the bone spurs around the pressure to reduce, alleviate the pain. 4, pregnant women, shoes with stress during pregnancy the body weight is generally increased by 15 kg,[url=http://www.uggclearanceuks.com/]UGG UK[/url], the pressure on the feet when walking on a large lot, wear a pair of shoes will not fit pregnant women feel tired, thus affecting the development of fetus . Flexibility and rely mainly on foot to complete the arch, the arch in addition to the human body can absorb shock when walking, but also the human body can maintain balance, so pregnant women buy shoes, in addition to pay attention to comfort, warmth, but also consider the needs of the arch. For pregnant women to wear the shoes, the most important thing is with the lower, but not flat with. If you like high, pregnant women, the body's center of gravity will tilt forward and out of balance, causing wrestling, flash back and other problems. Anteroposterior diameter of the abdominal cavity may also cause the distance shortened, so that the inclination of the pelvis to increase, artificially induced Head difficult. But to wear flat shoes when walking, usually heel first and soles of the feet after the ground, wear flat shoes can not maintain the arch of the foot to absorb shock, but also easily lead to fatigue and muscle and ligament damage. Therefore, optionally followed by 2 cm high shoes more appropriate. Also to choose loose, lightweight, breathable natural material shoes, try to avoid wearing synthetic leather shoes or shoes made of rubber. Because pregnant women sweat glands secrete strong, feet sweat more, easy to form sweat feet, heavy, gas-tight shoes will not only increase the swelling of the foot and may cause dermatitis. After three months of pregnancy, many pregnant women, began swelling below the big toe, the foot will be swollen after six months, the same as flat feet. Late pregnancy, swollen feet and legs even more prominent, walking imbalance. With weight gain, poor blood circulation is more, the pressure in the foot by the more obvious. The symptoms of foot pressure in the low back pain increased, the fetus will be oppression, affect fetal growth and development. Therefore, the first three months of pregnancy, pregnant women should begin to change into a small burden on the feet, shoes and convenient operation. Have swollen feet pregnant women prone to falls, so choose shoes to the attention of non-slip shoes. 5, there are particular about shoes diabetes is diabetic foot prevention and treatment of chronic complications of diabetes is an important issue. It is the size of diabetic microvascular disease of the four serious complications (hypertension, ischemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, diabetic foot), is one of the peripheral nerve and a manifestation of vascular disease. Because peripheral neuropathy, arterial sclerosis, stenosis, increased blood viscosity, thrombosis, ischemic changes caused by the foot. What are the diabetes-prone diabetic foot? (1) in the elderly, especially those who are more than 45 years of age, more men than women; (2) long duration of diabetes, more than 10 years; (3) long-term blood glucose control is not good; (4 ) associated with other chronic complications, diabetic nephropathy and retinopathy more common (and the coexistence of diabetic foot, also known as foot - eye syndrome); (5) with hypertension, ischemic heart disease; (6) smokers , due to the occurrence and to promote the development of atherosclerosis. How to prevent? Choose the right shoes can reduce or even prevent the occurrence of diabetic foot, once diagnosed with diabetes, in addition to good control of blood sugar, hypertension and high cholesterol, should lower blood pressure, blood cholesterol, smoking cessation, the protection of the foot is very important. From the beginning, should choose the right shoes, must be the right size, too tight compress the foot, especially the size of the toe pressure, affect the local blood circulation; too loose prone to friction, the front width should be selected, Breathable, soft soles the most appropriate. Such as wearing new shoes, try 0.5-1 hours after the start, check the foot, with or without swelling or skin allergies, if normal, a daily and gradually increase the time wearing shoes, in order to adapt. If there is any discomfort, or skin color changes, we must abandon. After choosing a shoe, but also note the following points: l, to observe the daily foot: skin color is normal, with or without blisters, wounds, sweating and so on. Such as sweat too much, wipe with a soft towel, use talcum powder; without sweat and dry, use emollients to prevent drying. 2, daily foot washing, use warm water, first to hand wipe temperature, anti-scald on the winter is not warming himself, not boiled, feet, no chicken knife or eye ointment to corns or calluses, trimming nails to be careful not to damage the foot, and timely treatment athlete's foot. Drugs: The blood circulation drugs, oral aspirin, Danshen. If toe purple skin, immediately go to hospital for treatment, to prevent further darkening, leading to necrosis, is essential. 6, pay attention to women's shoes women's shoes have a luxurious, mainly not to blindly follow the trend. Pointed shoes trend has been popular for several years, many parents have to wear such shoes, the little girl, looked very stylish. However, the long-term wear pointed shoes, the foot of the stress is concentrated on the front foot, forcing the foot hallux valgus. The hallux valgus feet will produce dizziness, cerebral insufficiency, unstable blood pressure, headache, neck bending, endocrine disorders and other diseases. 7, men pay attention to a lot of men are wearing a pair of shoes to wear this pair of shoes until retirement. In fact, this is wrong, men should prepare at least two pairs of shoes in the summer to prepare at least 3 pairs of shoes, a pair of sandals, two pairs of shoes, alternating with wear. Alternate shoes both to prevent foot disease, but also extend the life of shoes to wear. Each pair of shoes to keep clean. Do not wear shoes should be cleaned up in the air and keep dry, wet shoes, if found, should be replaced immediately, but not exposure. You can put some desiccant in the shoes dry powder or the like. When doing these tasks, foot disease, you will not be easy to wrap. 8, winter shoes are particular about the saying goes: In the cold season, if your feet cold, and it will cause systemic vasoconstriction of foot discomfort. When toe temperature dropped to 2 ° C or so, there will be a severe cold pain. Therefore, the elderly should pay special attention to the wearer warm the job. Many elderly people warm to the feet, often in the shoes of the material, the thickness of the more attention, and the size of the shoes are easy to overlook. Winter shoes too large, may result between the feet and shoes, However, if the shoe is too small, legs tightly stuffed into shoes, feet and shoes that not only result in greatly reduced the gap between, but also to the Fiber Cotton socks and shoes, hair and other elastic fiber extrusion solid result that the shoe decline in reserves doubled in still air. The air-side heat is an excellent warm body warm than any fiber to be good, such as wool is better than 2-fold to three times better than cotton, nylon more than 10 times better, so in winter wear Avoid tight shoes. Winter through the tight shoes, but also to the feet of the skin blood vessels by pressure, the normal blood circulation to the affected, and the formation of congestion and increased sweat, and a serious drop at the end of the Cold feet capacity, easier exposure to cold and frostbite occurs, but also easy to induce colds and other diseases. More winter rain and snow, the elderly most likely to fall. For security, old people probably do not wear shoes heel, in fact, this practice is also wrong. We know that older people as full of muscle and ligament degeneration, loss of elasticity of the arch, weight-bearing capacity greatly decreased, obesity is often the formation of flat feet. If you wear flat shoes,[url=http://www.drdreheadphonesonline.org/]Headphones Online[/url], although the light, but not conducive to weight-bearing and walking, especially the ability to reduce shock resistance, easily lead to low back pain. Furthermore, with no shoes, directional rotation of the biggest, so easily lead to a variety of foot injuries and strain. To this end, the elderly should also wear a heel of the shoe, usually with a high 1.5 to 2 cm or so. In this way, you can limit excessive directional rotation,[url=http://www.uggclearanceau.com/]UGGS Clearance[/url], enhance stability, to prevent wrestling, and it helps maintain the arch of the elderly, standing and walking for the elderly are more favorable. 9, there are particular about summer shoes summer, most people just put a pair of shoes to pass the summer, this breed of foot disease. Wuhan Institute of Dermatology control director, said Cai Weili summer wearing a pair of shoes is kind of unscientific behavior, especially male friends, do not be careless in the feet. Cai Weili, director introduction, summer dermatitis, athlete's foot and some skin in the summer seasonal trend of exacerbations, the skin usually caused by a fungal infection. Fungus is a microorganism, the summer temperature,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]Beats by dre solo[/url], humidity, very suitable for its growth, especially in people's shoes. High temperature not only allows the pores open, sweat also allows people to increase, resulting in an environment conducive to fungal growth. If the entire summer, always wear a pair of shoes, no doubt to the growth of fungi provides a good environment, so easily infected with athlete's foot and other foot diseases and these diseases are generally difficult to cure. If left unchecked, graffiti, or some of their drugs, the consequences are more serious. Such as: treatment of athlete's foot hanged 'Pi Yan Ping If you have athlete's foot scratch, erysipelas is caused by foot, grabbed the foot when using the hand touch the face, can also cause facial erysipelas, resulting in facial skin infections. 10, travel shoes, choose shoes with travel stress, people will naturally think of sneakers and sports shoes. Travel is the first choice to wear shoes, but can not wear shoes in the trip from beginning to end, which should be lightweight with a pair of shoes with the rest in the accommodation or to change into, or to wear hiking shoes, and in the shuttle tool wear other spare shoes. Old shoes to travel with a 1.5-2 mm high, low-heeled shoes for the most appropriate. Low-heeled shoes not only the heel itself has a certain shock effect, but also to increase the curvature of the arch and the elderly flexibility. The pursuit of fashionable shoes can not travel to the health and disease prevention as the first principle. Only breathable performance, heel, the Ministry of hardware, shoes, palm Department has some flexibility and a soft bow shape, the top of the appropriate neutral shoe shoes, is the ideal shoe. 11, driving shoes with non-slip soles to pay attention, soiled water, easy to slip soles and slippers, is the accident risk. Shoes, while not too wide, lifted his right foot from the accelerator pedal, brake pedal to move, easy to cut a wide shoes while on the brake pedal, only a few seconds, but a few seconds is enough time before you hit the the car. Do not wear high heels, wearing high heels because the young driver rear-end is not new. Fourth, pay attention to choose shoes with worn shoes to know what your problem, check the shoes flat on the ground, if the medial heel wear was more severe, that you are a more inward-handed people, when the heel will be inward rotation, so need a pair of custom shoes to correct this tendency; if more wear shoes when outside, you must wear insoles high shoes to avoid injury. If you exercise more than three times a week, they must wear special shoes, playing basketball, running shoes are different. Playing basketball and dance in particular will affect the fitness side of the foot, so there must be specially designed to keep your stability. High heel shoes up to protect the heel part is, if there is no layer of protection, it may be sprained ankle, hamstring. Regular jogging must wear shoes with thicker soles, because stride and landing, the feet will be under great pressure, the shoes must have a certain flexibility. Should also pay attention to walking shoes, orthopedic doctors learned that walking with the shoes, the heel part of the insole should be 6.5 cm thickness, will feel comfortable when walking, the toes have a reasonable space activities. After the exercise is the best time to buy shoes, because then the foot is swollen, a pair of shoes more accurate, in addition to wearing the right socks, and toe to toe with some of the space around a finger. Fifth, people will pay attention to shoes shoes pretty half, not only healthy to wear clothing, dress well and can make the foot of brilliance. In particular about clothing styles, colors today, the stress can not be ignored shoes, shoes should be seen as an important part of the overall clothing, as the saying goes: each step. Which style of shoe to wear, and you only get the best wear clothing with it? Shoe style from the point of view, the slim, like to wear skirts or pants, Ms. United States should be pointed type, high heels models led election, so also enhance its slender body; and fat than the type and the lower, places wedge heel is appropriate, in order to achieve coordination and stretch the body. What shoes to wear civilian clothes at the most appropriate? Casual wear with casual shoes, look each other, easy free and easy; jeans or slacks are best with flat sandals or casual shoes, this harmony and unity and ordinary dress, will make people think you are a cheerful and tasteful people. Shoes and pants in the style of the portfolio is often not noticed, but it is also important. Shoes and pants style is the key to harmony shoes, pants and Kukou geometry similar to harmony. 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