
Pregnant women with children have a very complete help everyone ~ ~ ~ ~ oh used turn around

pregnant the first month of pregnancy
main nutrients: folic acid
role: to prevent fetal neural organ defects
folic acid can prevent anemia, premature delivery, to prevent fetal malformations, especially this early stage of pregnancy important because early fetal neural organ development is the key. Pregnant mothers should eat folate-rich foods such as bread, noodles, rice and flour and other cereals, and beef liver, spinach, asparagus, asparagus, beans and apples, oranges, oranges and so on. In addition to tonic, it also can be oral folic acid tablets to ensure the required folic acid daily.

2 months of pregnancy main nutrients: vitamin C, vitamin B6
role: to ease bleeding gums, vomiting of pregnancy
inhibition of the first 2 months of pregnancy, some mothers find themselves in the brush When gums bleed, the amount of vitamin C can alleviate the phenomenon of bleeding gums. At the same time, can help improve the body resistance, prevention of dental disease. Life of vitamin C from fresh fruits and vegetables, for example, green peppers, cauliflower, cabbage, tomato, cucumber, spinach, lemon, strawberry, apple and so on.
Tip: cooking food over time not too long, so a lot of vitamin C loss.
distress for those pregnant mothers who spit, vitamin B6 and vomiting of pregnancy is the killer. Vitamin VB6 in the highest concentrations of maltose, eat 1-2 tablespoons of maltose can not only inhibit the vomiting of pregnancy, and pregnant women to make energy. Foods rich in vitamin B6 also bananas, potatoes, beans, carrots, walnuts, peanuts, spinach and other plant foods. Animal food in the lean meat, chicken, eggs, fish, more content. 3 months of pregnancy

main nutrients: magnesium, vitamin A
role: to promote growth and development of your baby
fetal muscle magnesium not only essential to the health, but also help the normal development of bones . Recent studies indicate that the first three months of pregnancy the quantitative relationship between intake of magnesium to the neonatal height, weight and head size. In the salad oil, green leafy vegetables, nuts, soybeans, pumpkin, melon, sunflower seeds and whole grains are easy to find magnesium. In addition, the magnesium at the mother's womb is also very good for muscle recovery.
the whole process of fetal development require vitamin A, which in particular, can guarantee that fetal skin, gastrointestinal tract and lung health. First trimester of pregnancy, the fetus can not store their own vitamin A, so pregnant mothers must supply. Sweet potato, pumpkin, spinach, mangoes are rich in VA.

4 months of pregnancy main nutrients: zinc
role: to prevent your baby dysplasia
mothers need to increase this month zinc intake. Mothers if zinc deficiency may affect fetal growth of babies in utero, the fetus's brain, heart, vital organs such as dysplasia. Bulletin boards zinc deficiency can cause taste, smell abnormalities, loss of appetite, poor digestion and absorption, reduced immunity, this will inevitably cause intrauterine growth retardation. Zinc-rich foods are oysters, oysters, liver, mushroom, sesame, red shell, etc., especially in the content, particularly rich in oysters.
Tip: have adequate zinc, dietary zinc supplements daily amount should not exceed 45 mg.

the 5th month of pregnancy main nutrients: vitamin D, calcium
role: the promotion of your baby's bones and teeth development
Bulletin boards the first five months of pregnancy, after birth the baby's bones and teeth grow much faster, is the rapid calcification period, the demand for calcium is simply soar. So from this month, milk, pregnant women, mothers milk or yogurt each day is essential for calcium drinks. In addition, the following should also be easy to eat the food intake of calcium, such as dried cheese, tofu, eggs or duck eggs, shrimp, fish, seaweed and so on. In addition, mothers should take calcium every day. Note that calcium supplementation throughout pregnancy should always be.
course, simply is not enough calcium, vitamin D can promote the effective absorption of calcium, pregnant mothers should eat more fish, eggs, while the sun can create VD, pregnant mothers can appropriate the sun, but the first good sunscreen. 6 months of pregnancy

main nutrients: iron
role: to prevent iron deficiency anemia
The expectant mother and child are in the baby's nutritional requirements soared. Many mothers began to appear symptoms of anemia. Iron is an important element of the composition of red blood cells, so this month, with particular attention to iron intake.
To avoid iron deficiency anemia, mothers should be noted that the deployment of diet, consciously eat iron-rich vegetables, liver, lean meat, eggs and so on. You can also start from this month oral administration of 0.3-0.6 grams per day of ferrous sulfate.

seven months of pregnancy main nutrients: known as the First, the Second, your baby at this time, the gradual improvement of the nervous system, body tissues, especially brain cells during early pregnancy was significantly faster than the speed. And sufficient
to add enough of the nuts such as food, in addition to fish, fish oil. These foods are rich in fetal brain cell development baby needs essential fatty acids, the role of a brain puzzle.
the first eight months of pregnancy
main nutrients: carbohydrates
role: to maintain body heat demand
8th month pregnancy, the fetus began to store glycogen in the liver and skin and fat. At this point, such as carbohydrate intake, will result in a lack of protein or ketoacidosis, so pregnant in August should ensure the supply of heat, increasing intake of staple foods such as rice, flour and so on. In general, mothers need to eat a daily average of about 400g of cereals, which is to ensure energy supply, saving protein is of great significance. Also in rice, the staple food beyond the surface to increase the number of coarse grains such as millet, corn, oatmeal and so on.
the first nine months of pregnancy
main nutrients: dietary fiber
role: to prevent constipation and promote bowel movement
late pregnancy, your baby gradually increasing burden to mothers, expectant mothers are prone to constipation. Because constipation, but also occur within the external hemorrhoids. In order to alleviate the pain caused by constipation, Bulletin boards should be noted that an adequate amount of dietary fiber intake to promote intestinal peristalsis. Whole wheat bread, celery, carrots, sweet potatoes, potatoes, bean sprouts, cauliflower and other fresh fruits and vegetables are rich in dietary fiber. Bulletin boards should also be suitable for outdoor sports, and develop a daily regular bowel habits.
10 months of pregnancy
main nutrients: thiamine (vitamin B1)
role: to avoid prolonged, difficult delivery
last month, it is necessary to add all kinds of vitamins and iron sufficient, calcium, adequate water-soluble vitamins, especially thiamine is most important. If thiamine deficiencies, it can lead mothers vomiting, fatigue, lack of body, can also affect uterine contractions during labor, so prolonged, difficult delivery. Thiamine levels in fish in relatively high.

several colleagues and friends to give birth BB friends, good stuff, be transferred to you in advance to learn about ~

easy abortion food:

1, crab: it tastes delicious, but the nature of cold, there is stasis of power, it is detrimental to pregnant women, especially the crab claw, with a clear role in abortion.

2, turtle: Although it has the effect of kidney yin, but the salty taste of cold soft-shelled turtle, with a strong network through the blood, stasis block effect, which has some of the disadvantages of abortion, especially abortion turtle stronger than the power of turtle meat.

3, barley: a Medicinal and Edible items, Chinese medicine, the quality of its profits slip. Pharmacological experiments show that barley has excitatory effects on the uterine smooth muscle, can promote uterine contraction, which may have induced abortion.

4, purslane: It is the herb can be eaten as a vegetable, cold and slippery its medicinal benefits. Experiments show that purslane juice for significant uterine stimulant, can increase uterine contractions, the intensity increases, could easily lead to miscarriage.

harmful to the fetus food

5, canned food

canned food in the production process have a certain amount of additives such as artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives. Although these additives have little effect on healthy adults, but pregnant women, excessive ingestion is bad for your health. In addition, the nutritional value of canned foods is not high, the heat treatment, food, vitamins and other nutrients have been subject to a certain degree of damage.

6, spinach

it was believed that spinach is rich in iron, with blood function, so prevent anemia during pregnancy is as a Vegetable. In fact, much iron in spinach, but contains large amounts of oxalic acid. Oxalic acid can affect zinc, calcium absorption. Pregnant women, calcium, zinc content decreased, affecting fetal growth and development.

7, chocolate and hawthorn

pregnant women eat too much chocolate will

satiety, thereby affecting the appetite, the result is weight gain, and lack of essential nutrients. Pregnant women prefer to eat something sour, hawthorn fruit has become the first choice. Hawthorn excitatory effects on the uterus, pregnant women, excessive drinking can make uterine contractions, leading to the possibility of abortion, it is to eat less.

8, liver

Finland and the United States has made a pregnant woman should eat liver's advice.

fatten quickly to livestock because of modern feed, add too much fattening agent, in which high levels of vitamin A, resulting in a large number of its accumulation in the liver. Pregnant women eat liver too, a lot of vitamin A would be very easy to enter the body, harmful to fetal development, even teratogenic.

9, Jiucun potatoes

potatoes contain alkaloids, keep the longer the higher the alkaloid content of potatoes. This excessive consumption of potatoes, can affect the normal development of the fetus, causing fetal abnormalities. Of course, people's individual differences, not everyone will be abnormal after eating, but women still do not eat as well, especially not to eat long-term storage of potatoes.

10, hot condiments

pregnant women eat hot condiments fennel, anise, pepper, pepper, cinnamon, allspice and other intestinal easy to consume water, so that gastrointestinal secretion, resulting in intestinal dry constipation. Occurrence of constipation, pregnant women, the solution will inevitably spurts, so that increased abdominal pressure, pressure of the fetus within the uterus, could easily lead to fetal irritability, premature birth and other adverse consequences.

11, MSG

main component of MSG is monosodium glutamate, with its combination of zinc in the blood after discharge from the urine, excessive intake of MSG will consume a large amount of zinc, lead zinc deficiency in pregnant women. And fetal growth and development of zinc is essential, so pregnant women should eat less.

12, longan, lychee: prone to cause fetal sex hot hot;

13, Pomegranate: anemia to eat;

14, pickled cabbage: contains nitrosamines, the fetus can lead to distortion.

15, watermelon: eat fruit and not more than 250g, limited eating watermelon, watermelon is a diuretic because, pregnant women likely to cause dehydration.

16, drinking tea

a British doctor discovered a lot of tea contains fluoride ingredient, a cup of tea in the fluoride content of up to 1.25 mg. If used to feed pregnant rats, mice are born with bone found in malformations, although the dangers of fluoride to the fetus has not yet sure, but still does not drink tea as well. Pregnancy to drink tea, not only susceptible to iron deficiency anemia, affect fetal nutrient supply, because tea contains caffeine, pregnant women will also increase heart rate and frequency of urination, increased the burden on the heart and kidneys of pregnant women, harm the mother and health of the fetus.

17, drinking coffee and cola drinks

the main component of coffee and cola as caffeine, clonidine and other alkaloids.
caffeine and clonidine is an exciting central nervous system drugs. It has been determined, a bottle of 340 grams of cola beverages containing caffeine 50 to 80 mg,[url=http://www.uggbootsclearancemalls.com][b]title=UGGS Clearance Sale[/b][/url], if the content of a drink up to 1 grams of caffeine, will cause the central nervous system stimulant, expressed as irritability, rapid breathing, muscle tremor, tachycardia, extrasystoles, and insomnia, vertigo, tinnitus. Even if the doses of 1 g or less, due to stimulation of gastric mucosa, there will be nausea, vomiting, dizziness, palpitations and chest pain and other symptoms of poisoning. The fetus is particularly sensitive to caffeine, caffeine can act on quickly through the placenta and fetus, the fetus is adversely affected. Some experiments on pregnant mice injected caffeine confirmed that offspring prone to cleft palate, meninges, spinal bifida, no jaw, no eyes, skeletal abnormalities, short stature, limb deformities and so on. For the next generation of healthy, pregnant women should be careful to drink or forbidden to drink coffee and cola drinks.

18, drinking

studies have shown that pregnant women and birth defects caused by alcohol is a major cause of mental retardation.
This is because any trace of alcohol can be no stop to the fetus through the placenta and enter the body, making the fetal and maternal alcohol concentration of alcohol within the same . French, MD, had a drinking addiction 127 children born to women who were observed and found that they have a total of defects: single fold, double fold is not even clear, flat nose, eyelid eversion inside corner of the eye, face and flat narrow, fuzzy nose groove, the lips thin and tight, short chin. The influence of alcohol poisoning, facial growth is not perfect children born to mothers about their children drinking 1 / 3. Even more serious is alcohol on the brain and heart damage, heart disease in infants of pregnant women drinking alcohol, about 30%. Pregnant women drinking too much, died shortly after giving birth to a child's common. The results show that the anatomy of dead babies, the brain is not only smaller than normal children, and brain showed a hypoplastic or abnormal state. Many countries had fetal alcohol poisoning of children by intelligence tests and found that their IQ is below the general level, most of the performance unresponsive, mental retardation, or an idiot.

dear friends who have children should pay attention to these Oh! ! !

child during pregnancy can become a beautiful way.
woman confinement to note.
80,90 after the small parents will learn: 10-year-old child can not eat until ~
for future baby must see ah!
fact, women should see more of friends ~!

changes in diet can make you have a beautiful baby.
> improve partial black skin color
some partial black parents, pregnant women can eat more foods rich in vitamin C such as tomatoes, grapes, oranges, cauliflower, melon, onion, garlic, apple , prickly pear, jujube and other fruits and vegetables, especially in the apple is the best.
> goodbye to rough skin, with good eyesight
pregnant women can eat more foods rich in vitamin A, such as animal liver, egg yolk, milk, cod liver oil, carrots, apples, tomatoes and green vegetables and dried fruit. Especially in the liver vitamin A was the most carrots can also promote an increase in hemoglobin, thereby increasing the concentration of the blood, is commonly used in nourishing our people share.
> foster shiny glossy black hair
If parents early white hair or slightly yellow, fall off, so pregnant women can eat more foods containing vitamin B family, such as lean meat, fish, liver, milk, bread, beans, eggs, seaweed, walnuts, sesame seeds, corn and green vegetables, these foods can make to improve the child hair, not thick, black, and glossy sheen.
> tall, taller children a head
If parents are not high, you should eat foods rich in vitamin D, such as shrimp, egg yolk, liver and vegetables.
> benefit the brain, brain, brain
eat more during pregnancy iodine-rich foods such as kelp and other marine products, to complement the needs of the fetus to iodine, to promote the synthesis of fetal thyroid, conducive to good fetal brain development.

other pregnant women in the diet during pregnancy should also note the following points in life:

trimester fetal brain cells and fat cells of the During this period, pregnant women must pay attention to increase the protein, phospholipids, and vitamin intake, should eat milk, eggs, lean meat, liver, fish, beans and vegetables to ensure an adequate food supply, soy sauce conducive to the fetus intellectual development.
calcium and vitamin D intake should be sufficient. Pregnant women, severe calcium deficiency may affect fetal bone and teeth form, and may even lead to fetal malformations. Note added iron and other trace elements, should eat vegetables, shrimp and so on.
honey for pregnant women is an excellent health care, pregnant women often eat honey, not only to complement a variety of nutrients, but also moistening purge, so that pregnant women feel happy and enhance the body's digestion and absorption.
some food unfit for consumption for pregnant women, such as: raw chilled foods such as bananas, stone flowers, wood and other children; spicy foods, such as: cinnamon, pepper, cloves, pepper; effects of functional foods, such as water chestnut, rabbit meat, fern, and other large hemp seed.
3 months, do not salt:
3 months, the baby does not need salt, but the absorption from breast milk or milk salt enough. After 3 months, with the growth and development, the baby gradually improve renal function, salt requirements gradually increased, this time may be appropriate to eat a little bit.
principle is that only after six months of daily control of the amount of salt in 1 grams.
1-year-old not to eat honey within:
years of age in the baby's normal intestinal flora has not been fully established, eating honey into the lead after the infection, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms. After the baby years of age, the normal intestinal flora to establish, so eat honey anyway.
3 years of age do not drink tea:
3 years of age the children should not drink tea. Tea contains large amounts of tannic acid, will interfere with the body of food proteins, minerals and calcium, zinc, iron absorption, leading to a lack of protein and minerals, infant affect their normal growth and development.
tea caffeine is a strong stimulant, ADHD children may be induced.
5 years of age not to eat supplements:
5 years of age is a critical period of development of the baby, many supplements contain hormones or hormone substances, can cause early epiphyseal closure, reduced epiphyseal growth period, resulting in the child tall short, not grow; interfere with the growth hormone system, leading to precocious puberty.
In addition, young tonic, can also cause bleeding gums, thirst, constipation, high blood pressure, bloating and other symptoms.
10 years of age do not eat pickles:
10 years of age children do not eat preserved foods, for two reasons:
First, salted (salted fish, bacon, pickles, etc.) salt content is too high , high-salt diet-induced hypertension is easy;
second is a lot of pickled products containing nitrite, which, aflatoxin, benzopyrene is recognized as the world's three major carcinogenic substances, research data shows that: 10 years ago began children to eat salted, the possibility of adult cancer three times higher than the average person, in particular, the incidence of pharyngeal cancer, high risk.

future use of the confinement, the woman a second chance
confinement is a woman's life the best opportunity to improve physical fitness. If you do not sit on the child, will be buried after the health risks. Chinese people pay attention to confinement, do not think it is superstitious Oh, many pay attention to are justified.
one life to pay attention to:
1. be sure to rest a month or month and a half. Postnatal weeks, in addition to meals, toilets, other time must be in bed. If used to sit or walk up, may cause uterine prolapse.
2. to prepare two or three widths of about 30 --- 40 cm, length 12 laps around the abdomen, half white gauze. Postpartum bear tied to athletic, to prevent visceral ptosis. Visceral ptosis will result in women's diseases, and lower abdomen prominent, ugly body. Tie cummerbund also improve the status of prenatal belly obvious. Spirituality can not be athletic in general and corset belt instead. Because they are not only ineffective, and counterproductive.
3. only two weeks before taking a bath sponge bath with warm drinks. Approach is to boil the water and rice wine each half, add a little salt, wet with a towel, wring dry, rub the body. The third week you can shower, bath after the full moon. (Cis-middle class)
4. Wash up to be put to use boiled water to warm before use. You can use skin care products.
5. shampoo is strictly prohibited. Because the scalp can not catch a cold.
6. not carrying a child. Otherwise visceral ptosis. Lying on the side when feeding feed.
7. not for the kids a bath, or can lead to back pain and tingling hands and feet. So, to give children a bath when LG and others.
8. to have a quiet, comfortable environment. Close the curtains when the sun is too strong to protect the eyes. Not hair, because postpartum body pores are open, the hair can lead to head winds and joint pain, etc., even the fans do not shake.
9. can not climb the stairs during the month, not to mention six months postpartum weight and avoid sagging internal organs.
10. Do not cry, or eyes to premature aging may evolve as glaucoma or cataracts. Less reads the newspaper and television, must let the eye rest.
Second, the diet should pay attention to:
1. Eat small meals.
2. drinking is prohibited within two weeks postpartum, beverages and soups, can not drink milk. Because it will drink buckets National Cheng Kung University, will be fat, the future is easy to get rheumatism or neuralgia. Can boil rice wine instead of water (bottled wine to buy in stores). Approach is the number of bottles of rice wine into the pan, not stamped, the fire after boiling for 15 minutes. Then the cooked rice into the water thermos spare.
3. not to salt, cold food, not eat sour things. (Justified, I will not say very long.)
4. Two weeks, to avoid eating vegetables and fruit. Can eat carrots. Within a month of the water to eat less fruit.
5. two weeks, fish and meat forbidden to eat, you can eat liver. Because fatigue can not be completely absorbed by the body of fish, meat and nutrients, the results of too many nutrients, the body will only add to the burden of a Should begin to eat into the third week.
6. with sesame oil, ginger and rice wine cooking food. Ginger to burst through

how to make their children to become smart it? In my opinion, instead of spending money buying all kinds of early childhood educational health care products, as in daily life appropriate to eat a food puzzle brain effects. The following ten kinds of food to children puzzle brain is the

● Fish: The ancients had a Fish rich in globulin, albumin, phosphorus-containing nuclear protein, unsaturated fatty acids, iron, vitamin B12 and other ingredients, are children of the nutrients necessary for brain development. Some experts believe that there is no freshwater fish contain high unsaturated fatty acids, and today China's freshwater fish water pollution is more serious, it is proposed, the children's consumption of freshwater and marine fish the best ratio of 1:2.

● egg: Whether it is eggs, duck, pigeon, are to promote children to eat the whole egg. Eggs is not only an excellent source of protein, and egg yolk lecithin released by the absorption of choline, can synthesize acetylcholine, acetylcholine can significantly improve children's memory. In addition, egg yolk iron, phosphorus content is high, but also conducive to the child's brain development.

● walnut: walnut to complement, blood marrow, Qiangshen brain, is to strengthen the memory and understanding of the best. Walnut best intellectual workers, especially white-collar women and children to eat, because these people tend to Yongnaoguodu very Haoshang effort, eat walnuts to nourish the brain, improve cerebral circulation, enhance brain power. Parents can stewed walnut porridge to feed their children, can also be crushed walnuts and black sesame stir, make pies or buns to feed their children. Walnut oil contains more difficult to digest, generally 3 to 6 year-old children eat 3 to 4 large walnut enough.

● Almonds: Almonds are a nutrient-intensive not only nuts, rich in unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and calcium, iron and other minerals, in many cultures, it is romantic and health representatives. The nutritional value of almonds very balanced, not only contains nutrients like animal protein, such as protein, fat, etc., also contains specific plant components such as cellulose. Large pieces of sweet almonds are nourishing the heart, eyesight, educational features, regular use can make kids smarter. Will be bought peeled almonds and peanuts, soybeans with foam, made with almonds, peanuts, soybean milk to drink milk to the children, help children to absorb.

● jujube: jujube Dates to the children at night to drink soup or eat a fresh dates, can intake of vitamin C, trace elements, a tranquilizer puzzle effect, allowing easy night nightmare of child sleep better, enhance sleep after .

● Longan: Longan, also known as longan, frail child of nourishing and soothing effect, long-term use can improve the child's forgetfulness phenomenon, cardiac puzzle effect. Chinese medicine, longan is the blood the heart of the good fruit beneficial for spleen length wise to the drug. However, longan meat hot and humid, or whether it is fresh longan longan, a week to eat up to three times, bulimia easy for children to get angry, appear dry stool and other issues.

● Honey: Because honey has a high nutritional value, the clinical application of modern medicine, taking the honey can promote digestion and absorption, increase appetite, calm sleep, improve the body's immune system, to promote growth and development of infants and young children has a positive effect. Growth and development of infants and young children because of the required nutrients, including a variety of educational components, almost all contain honey. Transferred to warm water taking, to treat constipation in children. Morning to take the best, you can also apply in the bread or bread pieces on food.

● Apple: Some scientists and physicians to Apple as It contains alcohol can enhance the memory of the Apple prime. Letting children eat fresh apples, not to eat high-temperature processed apple crisp, and transferred to a large number of stabilizer and regulator of the blending-type flavors of apple juice. Apple juice is squeezed to extract the best with skin,[url=http://www.moncleruksales.co.uk/][b]title=Moncler Sale[/b][/url], and let the children drink finished in ten minutes, to prevent oxidation of apple alcohol factor.
● Grapes: Grapes are rich in nutrients, known as the Purple grapes better than the light blue, grape is recognized as one of the best anti-oxidants, can make the liver and kidney, Qi and strong mind, clever puzzle, but the daily dietary intake of children is best controlled at 200 g in order to avoid intake of too much sugar intake affect the meals.

● Black fungus: to purify the blood, are light and strong mind. Ming Li in the For like meat, burgers and other fatty foods chubby pier, the black fungus released from the adsorption of alkaline substances can result in insufficient blood supply to the brain's cerebral artery plaque, so that memory and thinking has been significantly improved. Fungus can not not eat, but not more food, especially pregnant women, children eat more when the number should be controlled.

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